Cookies Policy

No worries. We may collect anonymous information from visits to our sites through the use of “Cookies.” Cookies are simply web page elements, which may employ profile technology that enable us to record anonymous data about visits to or transactions made on our web site. This anonymous information is sometimes known as “clickstream data.” We may use this data to analyze trends and statistics to improve your online experience with us. No personal data is collected through the use of Cookies on our sites, however, we may also collect and analyze the IP address used to connect your computer to the Internet; computer and connection information such as your browser type and version; operating system and platform; purchase history; confirmation when you open e-mail that we send you; and the URLs which lead you to and around our Web site including the date and time. Your browser allows you to reject cookies and software is available from third parties, which will allow you to visit our Web site without providing this information. You are welcomed at our Web site if you use this software but we will not be able to offer you our personalized services.