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Last seen: 2 days ago
If You See a whites Only Sign, this is W...
Too bad they could not live up to their disguise of being colorblind, equal opportunist and culturally tolerant.
Black Connections in the Bible and Chris...
Many believe that white men have changed history and excluded Blacks so they can take credit for everything, even the existence of...
Should Blacks Leave America? Hell No
Wealthy white men brought us here and wealthy white men should send us back if they want an all-white country.
Stand Down: The Current US Problems Are ...
Rest assured, when the smoke clears, we may hold more power then than we have ever held in the history of this country. In the mea...
Black America is More Envied Than Hated
Starting here in America, we as a people should lay the foundation of recruitment. Some whites should be invited to the cookout.
Encourage Your Children to Get a Trade a...
We do not have to blindly follow the standard path of the false American dream any longer, but should think outside the box to sta...
They Think Breaking Snoop Dogg Broke the...
They underestimate the anger in Blacks, which is why their attempt to win us all over will fail miserably.
Understanding Racial Harassment in Schoo...
The case sheds light on the serious issues of racial harassment that black students face, even in seemingly progressive learning e...
What Happened to Respecting Your Elders
Make no mistake, it is the parents’ jobs to parent correctly if they want respect from their kids. You cannot talk down to, berate...
He Did Not Win: The Black Vote Was Compr...
Voting is not a privilege any longer. We no longer live in a democracy people, WAKE UP!
No More Marching or Protesting: Here Is ...
Teach Black history. Withdraw your money. Go about your daily life as though they do not exist. Teach God. Love your neighbor rega...
The Intellectual Rising of the Black Min...
There should be no doubt now to any thinking, conscious Black man or woman, that we have risen above and put to shame the claims o...