If You See a whites Only Sign, this is What You Do
Too bad they could not live up to their disguise of being colorblind, equal opportunist and culturally tolerant.

The Trump admin has spitefully dared to roll back a Civil Rights law instituted by the Johnson admin in 1965 that “prohibits contractors from having segregated restaurants, waiting rooms and drinking fountains.” Camouflaged under the DEI executive order, this new public memo to government contractors is another example of white folks’ detachment from reality and longing for a new Jim Crow era.
Although there remain state and local restrictions on segregation, there is no telling when some small business or government public facility will be retro and brave enough to enforce this on people of color. So, if any person of color, whether Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American or Arab run across such a place, the first thing to do is speak with management to verify if their request for racial segregation is accurate, and get their answer as recorded or written.
Next, contact a lawyer and file a discrimination complaint followed by a law suit. This is to document your effort to rectify this legally, civilly, and with reasonable effort. If the law suit falls short of what your human rights demanded under the freedom of being human defines, and white injustice ensues, then you are justified to follow through with other, more radical efforts.
After giving white folks a fair chance to be civil and have respect for other humans, if they refuse and resort to the Jim Crow opportunity, then any person of color has every right within their being of humanity to do what comes natural, well within the context of the law of course. Unfortunately, if justice returns to something of this insulting nature, then white folks can logically expect various uncivil behaviors in return.
Of course, their first recourse is the threat of arrest and imprisonment, and even murder, so, they must be prepared to accept the retribution that comes to people who break the covenants of natural law. Not many people are willing to accept being jailed because they entered a building or wanted to eat somewhere, or drink somewhere like any normal human being. Those days are long gone and the reaction of some will not necessarily reflect those who accepted this treatment in the past.
This move by the current administration unveils the hate in this country that lies beneath the surface of all the smiles and fake assimilation among the white persuasion. Too bad they could not live up to their facade of being colorblind, equal opportunist and culturally tolerant. Now we know who they are and why they support such a man burdened down with such low self-esteem and very little self-confidence in who he is and his own ancestry.
Nevertheless, Black America will not go backward and will resist this backtrack to a time our unarmed parents and grandparents were subjugated to. We have grown above this nonsense and cannot realistically accept this type of treatment in good conscience. Whatever response they expect from the Black community will not necessarily be the response they hoped for.
There are perfectly good responses to such injustices. First, no private place of business is economically foolish enough to jeopardize a large portion of their customer base by insulting them and cutting them off. They know the money of people of color spends just like white dollars, if not more. Any government facility that imposes such injustice will face backlash from the community in manner of protest, media exposure, and numerous law suits, reducing their markets shares.
The only problem comes is if judges and lawyers of that state bow to the demands of the dictator. If society gets to this point, there definitely will be pockets of violence, riots, and racial clashes.
Not to lose any hope, there are many white people who will not stand for this treatment of their neighbors and yes, there are more of us together with them than there are of the racist who desire such chaos in race relations. However, there will be sun down towns (and some new ones), that will follow after their dear leader, but no lost there because they do not get our business anyway.
Whatever the response, do not turn to violence by gathering empty bottles and cans of gasoline and take to the streets to burn down any businesses or facility that has returned to Jim Crow. This will only ignite a large police presence and end in some of them and people of color being killed for no other reason than the foolishness this admin has released. But there is nothing new under the sun.
Only time will tell and may God have mercy on their souls, and on the souls who react beyond their attempts at civility and law and end in the realms of human will, dignity or violence, whichever comes first or last. This time around, God will intervene and set up a standard against this injustice and inhumanity by defeating their attempts at racial superiority and their agenda of hate.