How white America Has Suffered Because of their Hateful Ways

The mental downfall of the white mind is retribution to the years of oppression Black communities have faced.

How white America Has Suffered Because of their Hateful Ways

There is nothing more bittersweet than watching your oppressor suffer divine retribution because of the cruelty they have dispensed to innocent people for 400-hundred plus years. Many people will deny that anything has been done to white America for their part in slavery and racial oppression, but to the contrary, they are suffering a mental break from reality, which is way worse than any plague or famine in the land.

Consider the fact that the highest office in the land was run by a crook and conman who believes in conspiracy theories and have robbed supporting families of years of economic opportunity, and they love it. That is a break from reality. Consider that they have blasphemed the Most High God in a blatant display of hypocrisy and reprobate behavior, claiming Christianity.

Also consider the fact that the social structure of this country has been declining over the past 80 years to the point that the following curses have become accepted as normal in the lives of those who bare the brunt of God’s wrath.

1.    White kids are killing each other in schools and mass shootings make headlines almost on a daily basis.
2.    Drugs are destroying white families in suburban and rural areas and poverty is escalating in these areas because corporations have abandoned them.
3.    Disease, mental illness and death have spread among society as a result of the greed and apathy of health insurance and drug companies.
4.    Marriage and family life is devalued and being overtaken by inordinate behaviors of sexual promiscuity, fornication, homosexuality, pedophilia, and pornography which spread deadly forms of disease and incurable illnesses.
5.    Murder, physical violence against innocent people, vile hatred and public unruliness by white men and women against people of color are being video recorded and revealed.
6.    Injustice of American judges, prosecutors, and white juries contradict the righteousness and mercies of humanity by prosecuting and imprisoning people of color and the innocent.
7.    Massive amount of tax money is being used to build military strength on the fake claims of foreign terrorism and national security, stripping working people of their hard-earned wages.
8.    Wealthy crooks and businessmen horde the wealth the nation produces and leave the people who actually work for the wealth destitute, in debt and struggling.
9.    Trusted public servants carry military style weapons and use them against defenseless people and crowds who gather to maintain basic human rights.
10.    The mass media withhold needed information from the public and feed them useless stories that praise the wealthy and dehumanize the people.
11.    Babies are taken from their mothers bellies before birth based on a flawed theory of a woman’s right to choose to have the baby.
12.    Religious institutions have resorted to capitalist thievery to drain church members of paychecks and as a result lost the true meaning and purpose of the gospel of Christianity.

These are not normal behaviors. They are abnormal and reprobate in mind. The worse thing is many whites do not see the insanity in the way they are thinking and behaving. This is another break from reality. Black America must not envy or copy the ways of the oppressor.

We should always pray for our enemies so the curses do not take hold of us and our communities. Unfortunately, our communities have suffered through many pangs of intentional disruption and destruction at the hands of white rage and hate.

The mental downfall of the white mind is retribution to the years of oppression the Black communities have faced. At the current rate of decline, there will soon be a time that we will need to take the lead, but we must have a sane state of mind and spirit.