I’m Sorry white Person, Did You Say Something?

We know that when white folks lash out at Blacks and other people of color, their words and actions are simply a reflection of the rot that has claimed their dead souls.

I’m Sorry white Person, Did You Say Something?


For years, decades and centuries even, Blacks have had to endure racial slurs, hateful insults and stereotypical imagery coming from white folks who actually believe the things they imply. Blacks have been referred to as lazy, unintelligent, crack-heads, thugs, welfare queens on top of their abusive depictions of nooses, blackface, and of course their favorite racial epithet, the N-word.

All that is cute and they have had a good run where it pertains to their much-needed hate speech, ego high; however, the time has come that none of those things rises to the level of the ignorance and immorality displayed by their 45th President, their members of every government branch and agency in the country all the way up to the Supreme Court; not to mention their media reporters, financial experts, military and religious leaders.

If you want to see a thug, check out the mug shot or any newspaper headline. This man is on his way down being accused and soon to be charged with worse crimes than Al Capone; we talking Constitutional crimes. You want to see a crack-head, take a look at the white rural and suburban opioid crises. Did you say something about a drug dealer? Let’s talk about the big pharmaceutical companies that set up and peddle pill mills around the country that strung out millions of white folks and caused and created new mental health problems.

Did I hear you say welfare queen? Do not forget about the multi-million dollar corporations that get subsidies (welfare) from the government to stay in business; free land to move to certain states, and the trillion dollar tax breaks given to them from the hard-earned dollars of working people. Not to mention the over-paid CEOs and Wall Street, white collar criminals who break laws and never go to jail.

Want to talk about unintelligent? How about the economic philosophers and military strategist who continually steal from other countries, break deals, strong-arm weaker countries, and then turn around and say they are wealthy because they are smart, educated, and business savvy. It is funny how they have to kill other people to get what they want instead of good ole fashion respect of other’s property and simple negotiation.

Hmm, it looks like another Catholic Priest is raping a child; another 11-year-old is loading his AR15 to massacre his classmates, and another police officer is too afraid for his life that he feels the need to slaughter another Black man, woman or child. Karen is lying about rape again, Becky is bribing the local university, and Bob is downloading tons of porn while his wife prepares his next Sunday sermon.

WTF did you say to me white person? Oh, Africa is a shithole country? Well America is full of homos, baby-killers and pedophiles. You say Black people have low intelligence? Well did you happen to see the hundreds of commercials peddling psychosomatic drugs with side effects no one in their right mind would want? Have you had some? Have you read the new laws passed through state governments that give teachers guns, ban books, and stop people from passing out water to others waiting in line to vote? How low-intelligence is that?

You say Africans are savages and practice witchcraft, voodoo, and primitive religion? Take a look at the Christian American preachers and evangelicals that lied on God to the nation calling on angels from Africa, who rip people off of their hard-earned paychecks through tithes, and pretend to heal, deliver, and cast out fake demons. Who had to paint themselves a god with blue eyes to feel like they were special?

So you made a rocket. And you connected some computers, where did you get the resources? By exploiting people who could not defend against the heavy artillery you invented. Lil kids who live on ancient grounds filled with a history you had to erase so not to look like underachievers. They do your digging into the ground and sifting of your diamonds through dirt and mud. Who taught you how to count?

Excuse me lady, sir; Black folks are in the condition we are because of the society you have created. But it is not just us, it is you too, and more so you, than us. You are all the things you call us plus one hundred times over. Your morality is unhinged, your civility is deranged, your justice is perverted, yet you call the cops on us?

Yes, we are a large part of the prison population, but we all know who should be there. Yep, we are struggling financially but when we steal, we steal for hunger, not as a career choice. And yes, we shoot each other in the hoods but you kill each other on consistent bases everywhere else. You also kill Black folks, Muslims, Indians, Jews, Asians and anyone else you fear.

So think again before you the open your mouth. We now know who the derelicts in society are. We know that when white folks lash out at Blacks and other people of color, their words and actions are simply a reflection of the rot that has claimed their dead souls.

"Envy thou not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways." Proverbs 3:31.