The Idolatry of Black Media

There are white boys out there critically thinking and planning a second era of oppression and bondage for Blacks and other immigrants while these fools of Black culture are gossiping about celebrities and their lives.

The Idolatry of Black Media


Black media network publications and news sources such as The Root, Vibe, The Breakfast Club, urban morning radio shows and other pop culture Black magazines and websites are living in the past. They fit the description of what E. Franklin Frazier’s book Black Bourgeoisie describes as the generation living in conspicuous consumption.

These are people who imitate white life in style, fashion, success and career paths after they succeed and leave behind the urban areas of the Black community. They idolize pop culture and the high life not considering the struggles the Black community still face.

They are uppity, spoiled brat Blacks who revel in status and celebrity gossip as the Black community is coming face to face with the potential of another era of Jim Crow. There are white boys out there critically thinking and planning a second era of oppression and bondage for Blacks and other immigrants while these fools of Black culture are gossiping about celebrities and their lives.

Right now, under the threat of a social civil war, the Black community needs real leaders who are preparing the Black community with resources, lawyers, possibly armed militias and covert plans to keep Black women and children safe from the hate and blood thirsty hands of white vigilantes, police and psychopaths.

These websites and talks shows are talking about Diddy, the Grammys, Rappers no one has hear of after 40, and they group together stories about performers such as Meg the Stallion, Missy Elliot, Kindrick Lamar, Rihanna and other fools who do not give a damn about the struggles the Black community are facing under the threat of this new American racism. They mock God and practice evil rituals of sexual immorality and drug use; and they will be the first ones to suffer the judgment of God at His coming.

Does anyone think these people are going to do anything when it all hits the fan? No, they are going to hide out or leave the country while it burns and their people are faced with gun violence, bondage, and possibly genocide. The idolatry of Black media will cost many Black lives because they are foolish, whitewashed people living in the throwback dreams of the nineties.

We need new Black lawyers and movement leaders who have studied the playbook of white supremacy and who can put together a plan against this new Apartheid system of hate. We need Black leaders who have courage and are willing to die for the liberation of Black people.

Black leaders such as Nat Turner, MLK, Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, and Marcus Garvey were all men of faith who understood that the problem with Blacks is we are too secular and have neglected the power of divine authority while being deceived by white theology and propaganda. While Charlamagne Tha (so-called) God is talking shit with Kamala Harris, there are white boys becoming cops and making plans to exploit the law after they murder an innocent Black woman or child.

While Steve Harvey and Tyler Parry are rubbing their dirty elbows along side the wealthy white Hollywood clique, Black women are being neglected at hospitals, their children being misdiagnosed with mental disorders and being transported to juvenile correctional facilities, and Black men are constantly being killed and imprisoned by white men with ego problems.

All this talk about Blacks being the lost tribe of Israel or original Hebrew Israelites if taken seriously and understood that if Blacks are true Israelites, they were punished because of their idolatry and disobedience to God. We need faith in the All Mighty to understand what we need to do to maintain our liberation against the coming attempt at this new oppression.

Stop following and praising these infidels and start reading the Word of God and praying against what is coming. Celebrity idolatry is hindering the progress of the Black community and we are not prepared for the threat that is eminent. The orange demon is not the end of this war, the beginning is getting started by white boys who have a plan, so we need a plan of our own.