Consciously Acknowledging Yourself Confirms You Have a Soul

Listening to and talking to yourself is a perpetual quest of preparing your soul for an afterlife in a certain place of rest.

Consciously Acknowledging Yourself Confirms You Have a Soul

Anytime a person speaks to him or herself, apply life-changing solutions to improve themselves or answers a deep-seated need the heart is desiring, they are confirming that there is a separate being within them that needs special attention. This being, your soul, constantly seeks attention from your mind to answer its call.

When your mind decides to answer the calls, it is affirming that your inner being cannot be left to itself but needs some type of healing, repair, or a change in lifestyle to satisfy it. For instance, seeking inner peace by rearranging your life to escape the confusion of the world, moving from the city to the country, is a response to the needs of the soul.

When you mentally decide to go to the gym it is your mind replying to the deep feelings of the need for inner healing of one or more of your emotional needs, such as relaxation, vitality, or anything that would stretch the inner being from being docile. 

When a person decides to surround themselves with different people of a higher social caliper and aura, it is because the inner being needs something it lacks. It needs to be rescued from something that is dampening its capacity.

The inner being can also work toward the destruction of a person. If something inside nags at you to gather and horde seeking a need to be fulfilled, some people will take that as a need to become greedy in their quest for money, physical contact from the opposite sex, or the desire to consume foods, drinks, or drugs. This inner being drives the mind to fulfill its deepest lusts.

Realizing that a person has this constant battle between themselves confirms one thing, that every person on this earth has an individual soul that needs attention. Once the flesh of the body dies, and the mind stops working, the soul will live on and whatever was fed to that soul will find its final resting place beyond what the body comes in contact with here on this physical earth.

In essence, listening to and talking to yourself is a perpetual quest of preparing your soul for an afterlife in a certain place of rest. If you allow your soul to become drowned by the lust of physical things, mindsets, and emotional turmoil, your soul will find its eternal place where it will never be satisfied. 

However, if you apply your mind to discipline your soul to seek peace, the need for love, and other emotionally enhancing feelings, your soul will rest peacefully for an eternity. “And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.” Luke 12:19.