Government Owned Blacks: Today’s Overseers

Black leadership in these positions must think toward the goal of rearranging the system of government operation in Black communities toward one that actually helps the community and not divide it.

Government Owned Blacks: Today’s Overseers

From the small population of Black America, forty - 45 percent of the U.S. government workforce is comprised of Blacks with a larger percentage centralized in local government of urban metropolis areas.

From mayors to police chiefs and a predominate amount in the social services arena where the Black employees service low-income families, which is the area this study focuses on.

The irony is mind-bending. Black government workers – who are but a paycheck away from poverty’s door itself – paternalizing the lives of their immediate underlings, the low income Blacks of urban America. To describe this twisted paradox could be twice as mind-bending but can be summed up by the famous phrase “the pot calling the kettle Black.”

If the plan is to get inside to make change, that plan was abandoned long ago. Black America – the ones who believe in “playing the white man’s game” by infiltrating from within, have been brainwashed by the very system they have infiltrated. Instead of improving the problems of Black America, they are adding to them by enforcing the rules used to hinder Black growth.

For instance, the child support system: The government operates this system and the majority of the employees are Black women who belong to the “men haters clubs.” They gladly enforce the rules of the system upon Black men not only because they are career jobs, but also because they secretively hate Black men.

Another example is the welfare system. Despite the attitudes that come along with the job description, many Black service reps and caseworkers have no knowledge of low-income life or have forgotten what low-income living is like. Those who have forgotten have forgotten by choice and are the ones who – after they obtain this type position of authority – choose to play the role over their urban underlings.

Instead of infiltrating the system to change the system, there is a new plan devised by the new Black America because the old plan has failed. The plan is to do away with these type systems from the urban areas and establish a system that help train and educate urbanites to survive in today’s new age society.

The days are gone of welfare and child support enforcement, both systems have proven to be failures and destroyers of families. The days of growth and innovation must be taught in our urban schools. Programs that encourage family growth, not destruction, must plan families accordingly.

Government owned Blacks in any area of government employment do more damage to the Black community than good, simply because the U.S. government has established the government to work against Blacks more than help them. Government programs are destructive in Black communities and must be demolished and or over-thrown by Black leaders and thinkers.

Black leadership in these positions must think toward the goal of rearranging the system of government operation in Black communities toward one that actually helps the community and not divide it. We have the education, thus we have the blueprint to make change. We have the experience thus we have a reason to make the change, and we have the numbers and positions, thus, we have a chance to make it better.

Instead of being puppeteered by higher-ups, government policies and socially engineered racism, we must gather enough courage to think productively and outside the box of government control. From law enforcement, to education to social services to the IRS, Black America must see the effects on the Black community and family by these government systems and break free from being the overseers of their own people.