A Black Preacher is Brainwashed if he Says These 3 Things
Any Black preacher who teaches these things has been learning under man's doctrine and have no real revelation of the Holy Ghost or God’s true Spirit.

Too many Black preachers have been indoctrinated by American theology coming from seminaries and Christian colleges. They have lost any ability to think for themselves, hear the voice of God, or have an original thought all their own.
Theological seminaries are a long-running scam perpetrated by wealthy white men who wanted to corner the market in religious capitalism and make money. They are responsible for editing God’s word, the Holy Bible, to fit their own white supremacist agendas and attempt at government authoritarianism.
They change words and passages and exclude many from the original scribes and when they preach, they leave out scriptures that complete concepts and precepts of God’s word leaving the student half learned. And they have the audacity to charge money for these false doctrines, which is a massive abomination to God.
Nevertheless, if a Black preacher says any of these three things, you know he has been brainwashed:
1. America is a Christian nation
2. Social justice is the devil’s work
3. Being Woke is evil
First, America is not a Christian nation and never has been. They teach this as an introduction to white supremacy ideology. If they can convince the congregation that America was founded by God, they can then justify white supremacy, slavery and the mistreatment of Blacks and other minorities. But this is literally what they do.
Second, social justice became a threat to them after George Floyd got killed by the police. When the world stood up against the blatant murder, theological preachers and evangelicals felt the need to justify the police before the crime of murder and unequal justice under the law. They condemned the rioters but stood with the police.
Lastly, the Black community have been woke for generations. Meaning, we can see through the bull and propaganda that has been taught us throughout our youth and school years. We know game when we see it and we are discovering truths about the past of American and African history that they have been trying to hide for centuries. And they hate this so they label being woke as evil.
They also teach to support the Republican party, and to hate the Democrats, despite the fact that they should not be preaching politics in the pulpit at all. They also protect the image of whites and talk down against Blacks and any negative behavior broadcast in the media. They hate who they are and are using the Word of God to justify their hate.
Any Black preacher who teaches these things has been learning under man's doctrine and have no real revelation of the Holy Ghost or God’s true Spirit. They study the doctrines of devils and proudly proclaim these false teachings to their own congregations. So, if your pastor preaches any of these things, or any thing related to them, he is a false prophet.