Black America is More Envied Than Hated
Starting here in America, we as a people should lay the foundation of recruitment. Some whites should be invited to the cookout.

Many Black Americans are convinced that Blacks are hated by everyone, even around the world. But this is not necessarily true. Of course, there is hatred for Blacks in America but that hate is a learned hate influenced by white American racism and their campaign of propaganda published around the world.
Most Black hatred comes from white supremacist and those who have been influenced by it; on the other hand, Blacks from America are more envied than hated. They are only hated when there are white haters around. Like when a friend is cozy with you but when a certain person or bully comes around, they change and turn against you. They acting different.
Nevertheless, people of the world see Blacks as a popular and outspoken subculture that has its own special qualities that are mimicked in countries all over the world. Many Black celebrities and athletes have been honored in many countries and many Black abolitionist leaders are recognized throughout. The problem comes when the white supremacist infects the world’s perception against Blacks.
Black culture is envied and copied by many, especially in America. Our music is envied and copied, our athletic abilities are respected seeing we can dominate any sport they participate in. Our rise to intellectual and entrepreneurial levels not seen since reconstruction. Our resolve and energy against injustice is respected, except to the true racist, and even our food is loved by many. Though they will never admit it, they envy our beauty and features, our style and even our hair. Many seek to emulate our culture and it is copied around the world.
Black America must learn to take advantage of this envy and use it to our advantage. We must realize that though there are many who hate us, their hate is shown to be extreme envy turned into jealousy and the desire to eliminate us because of who we are. The rest who envies us secretly should be acknowledged by us and treated as someone who wants to associate and learn from us but are too ashamed to admit it.
Black America have been on the defensive and lock themselves behind a wall of resistance by not openly embracing those who do and would fight for us. This is expected from a people who have been oppressed for over four hundred years. We have a right to defend against the racism and bigotry thrown at us year after year, and we have a right to be angry. But we have to learn to befriend those who sympathize with us and want to help. As long as they prove themselves first.
Malcolm X once said that there were no whites that could do any for the Black struggle and he closed the door to any whites joining the struggle. But after years of travel around the world, he saw that there was a sense of brotherhood outside of America that he respected and from thence, changed his mind. He said that whites can help us, but cannot join us.
Martin Luther King saw a future that many whites refused to see. His dream brought forth a movement against hate that sidelined that hate for decades, although it did not eradicate it, it softened it. King walked by faith and understood that standing up against hate would eventually pay off. Unfortunately, we are faced with the same bigotry that is trying to rise up again, that our elders fought against during the system of Jim Crow.
This sentiment of strategic recruitment is not a submission to white authority, it is a strategy that would increase our support against the small minority of racist and bigots that should be defeated here, and around the world. We should learn that our cultural struggle could win the support of the leaders of other countries who are concerned about out plight.
Starting here in America, we as a people should lay the foundation of recruitment. Some whites should be invited to the cookout. Taught to enjoy the spirited activities we do when with our own. They should be given an open and sincere door into our world so they can understand who we are and appreciate our culture.
Our history, our struggle, and our vision should be shared with those who would otherwise fall prey to the haters. In a time such as this, when a new majority of whites are learning that it was never really about race, but about the rich versus the poor, we can recruit many to join the fight for true liberation.