No More Marching or Protesting: Here Is the New Strategy
Teach Black history. Withdraw your money. Go about your daily life as though they do not exist. Teach God. Love your neighbor regardless of their color. To hell with voting. Let them have this God-forsaken country and watch them burn it down. Do not enlist. We do not owe our allegiance to a country that apparently hates us.

The psychological attack on social justice and Civil Rights has intensified, so do not allow the twisted psychology of white deceit move you from what you know is true in your hearts. Their deceit is the same form of sorcery used against their own people to deceive them into supporting policies and laws against their own interest.
We must stay focused on reality and a solid form of critical thinking instead of being tripped up into thinking the way he thinks or being manipulated and drawn into dangerous situations that give them authority to use police militia and military force against our communities.
We can no longer bust into the streets after an acquittal verdict of one of their race soldiers and march demanding rights and justice. This is what they want so they can justify their violent behavior. Remember, they will arm their enemies and call it a fair fight just to fulfill their bloodlust.
For example, it is amazing that they will reverse the simple concept of justice with one sentence that makes sense only in their minds. They will say that there is no need for Civil Rights or special treatment today because everything is equal; yet originally, there would be no need for Civil Rights if everything was equal from the start.
In other words, if there were no laws on the books like Jim Crow, which deprived Blacks from voting or having rights any human should have, there would be no need to have enforced the Civil Rights Laws. Likewise, they claim that Blacks become destructive when we protest against police brutality thus warrant the need for stronger police presence in the Black community, but they never deduce that if there were no police brutality, there would be no need for protest. This is their flawed logic.
The psychological trickery behind this mindset is they want to eliminate Civil Rights and return to Jim Crow. Their thinking attempts to erase the wrongs done by them and focus on the reactions of us against the consequences of their own actions. This is mind-bending and deeply psychopathological in their nature.
We cannot return to the ways of our ancestors by marching because it does not matter to them, they want the marches so they can retaliate with force. We cannot protest in the streets because of the same reason. So, what do we do from here on out? We give them what they want.
Do not go to their restaurants. That is what they want, to ban Blacks from frequenting their establishments and to refuse us services. Go to Black owned, Black friendly restaurants and businesses or start one of your own. Do not spend money with them. Withdraw our dollars from the economy and circulate it throughout our communities.
Likewise, do not eat their fast foods, attend their events, games, and concerts; buy their products of pleasure but spend only on necessities such as fresh food, shelter, utilities and clothing. Money is their lifeline and segregation is their weapon. So, separate and stop spending with them. Eventually, it will make an impact on their economic livelihoods regardless of what they claim.
In turn, we do not have to entertain or feed their people either. We do not have to comply or participate. The NBA, NFL, and any other Black areas of entertainment need to withdraw from their world and tank their economies. Start our own leagues. Teach our children to unfriend and ignore their words and actions because you cannot reason with psychopaths or expect civility.
Teach Black history. Withdraw your money from their banks. Go about your daily life as though they do not exist. Teach God. Love your neighbor regardless of their color. But ignore any and all foolishness in whiteness. To hell with voting. Let them have this God-forsaken country and watch them burn it down. Do not enlist. We do not owe our allegiance to a country that apparently hates us.
You do not have to comply with their king, their unjust laws that go against the nature of humanity, and you definitely do not have to work for people who do not value your work ethic. All is not lost. There is some decency out there. Find it and place your life there. But withdraw from this hateful white supremacist society and do not allow their hate to rub off on you.