Black Folks Are Not Stupid, Except the Ones Desperate for white Approval

They are up to their old tricks of divide and conquer trying to turn us against each other using immigrants from different parts of the Diaspora.

Black Folks Are Not Stupid, Except the Ones Desperate for white Approval

Under the new political atmosphere running up to the 2024 election, everyone, including the media, Internet trolls, and political influencers are trying their darndest to influence the direction of the Black vote and political viewpoint.

Rappers, actors, and athletes are throwing in their dime to encourage Blacks to consider another side to the future of the country. But Black folks are not stupid. We know that a Trump presidency means the struggle will intensify for people of color, regardless of their heritage.

They are up to their old tricks of divide and conquer trying to turn us against each other using immigrants from different parts of the Diaspora. They are trying to drum up anger against the refugees entering not realizing that we as Blacks would be looking at the same insides of any prisons and concentration camps they will be looking at. Stop being played and believing the lies.

The right-wing sphere are trying desperately to stain Kamala Harris and of course any other candidate who will take Biden’s place. They use past records of the candidates and words against Blacks when every politician in American history has always done little for Black voters. But we survive. Nothing is new under the sun. 

The polls are manipulated by mainstream to confuse Black voters and send a message to the rest of the nation that Blacks are anything but knowledgeable and reflective of our past.

As stated earlier, Blacks are not stupid and will reject a Trump presidency regardless of who the Democratic candidate is. Everyone who voted for Democracy in 2020 will vote for it again this election year. Do not be moved by the lies and propaganda fed to the public and be not dismayed at the misinformation coming across your phone screens.

The Blacks folks who have chosen oppression over liberation are the same ones who have chosen it in the past. They will remain locked onto the plantation believing they have a chance at becoming whiter and accepted as equal and respected by a people devoid of respect and a sense of equality. The Black folks who voted for oppression in 2020 will be the same ones voting for it again.

They are the lost tribe of Black heritage and have been kicked from the cookout and had their Black cards voided. They are a people unwanted by any other culture and will suffer the consequences of their choices in the long run.