Black Folks and They Ancestors
The spiritual world is not a joke or something to be played with simply because you feeling ethnic or cultural.

With all due respect to the spiritual world, there is one rule that many people do not understand, whether African, Native American, or any religion or ritual that calls on the spirits and voices of the dead. People are hardheaded regardless of where they get their inspiration.
Motivation comes from a vision of what can be accomplished, not from dead spirits. Even the Bible says, if people will not listen to those who are alive, neither will they listen to those who are dead.
Technically, voices in the mind come from words past spoken to that person from a loved one or from the mental recall of passages in books they have read and conversations they have had in the past.
However, spirits do exist. But they are of all ethnicities, from different historical times and events, and travel miles to deliver messages that could or could not be positive. In fact, many spirits possess people to do ungodly things, like murder.
Those with the gift to hear and feel these spirits must have an understanding of which type of message they are receiving and from what spirit. The spiritual world is not a joke or something to be played with simply because you feeling ethnic or cultural.
Another dilemma facing the topic of ancestors is, if they watch over us and have ancient wisdom from times past, why were they not there to help during slavery? Where did the slaves get their motivation to rebel, fight back, and run for freedom? As stated before, motivation comes from a vision of what can be accomplished, and in the case of slavery, from the fact they were being beaten at will.
Africans and Native Americans were definitely in contact with the spiritual world, but Black folks today would rather deny the power of God because they think He white and tap into a spiritual world they have no historical knowledge of. If anything, call on the ones who overcame oppression in America.
Finally, Spirits are not like people; especially racists. They are non-discriminant and are there to guide people either in the right or wrong direction. It is all up to the free will of the person who receives the message.