They Think Breaking Snoop Dogg Broke the Black Community

They underestimate the anger in Blacks, which is why their attempt to win us all over will fail miserably.

They Think Breaking Snoop Dogg Broke the Black Community


The 47th president and his racist minions are using a modern-day auction-block style strategy to strip the Black community of its dignity, but it will not work as they planned. It only serves to pacify their own fragile egos of white supremacy.

First, they indoctrinated Byron Donalds to openly confess Trump as being his Daddy on Fox News, then they publicly humiliated the Black preacher from Detroit, Lorenzo Sewell, to mimic a Martin Luther King style buck dance speech, and then they shot their best by lashing Snoop Dogg on the back in front of the world.

Honestly, it is believed that in their mafia style way, they made him an offer he could not, (or better not) refuse. Snoop already has money so it could have been a threat toward he and his family’s lives. If he sold for money or a future in crypto, yes, he is a sellout. But if he was strongarmed by violence, he did it because he did not want to sacrifice his family.

Make no mistake, these are all attempts to weaken the Black psyche and diminished its pride by stealing from us any faith we had in Black leaders who are suppose to represent us, politically, religiously, culturally, and unfortunately, as entertainment icons.

This shows their lack of understanding of what the Black community is really made of and driven by. We are not made and driven by politics, religion, and entertainment, deep down we are powered by anger and resentment, which they will feel from the streets if they ever gather enough confidence in going toe-to-toe to dismantle our resolve.

They used what they think will weaken us on each of their chosen exploits, which is money (and possibly threats), popularity and future promises of fame, political power and inclusion into the MAGA hate cult. They feel Black America is easy to purchase using these carnal things backed by threats of violence against us and our families, which is probably their ultimate method of persuasion, in addition to fear and the roll back of our rights they feel they have the right to give us.

Little do they know or understand that the resistance will come from the streets from door to door and from some of their own, because most of those Blacks and the working poor do not have any of those things, money, power, or fame, and actually have nothing else to lose. In fact, those are the things they try to keep from us so why would they offer it to working and low-income Blacks? They also underestimate the curses they are already under from the Most High.

Five-hundred-dollar checks may persuade some to flip but we all know that $500 can only buy so much time, but the anger is still there. They underestimate the anger in Blacks, which is why their attempt to win us all over will fail miserably. The only way they can actually gain respect and support from the Black community is to leave us the hell alone, let us mind our business, and present us opportunities to succeed like every one else. That is all.