A Blueprint for Young Abolitionist in the Clash Against a New Generation of Racist
They have lied through massive, well-funded campaigns of propaganda and spew alternative facts on national networks without shame or conviction; they have resorted to a more intense form of violence...

The game has changed. Black America and those of other ethnic backgrounds need new tools to war against a new generation of racist inheriting American leadership. The protest and march, the boycotts and sit-ins and the urban riots are played out and can no longer stand against this new generation of white adversaries. They are weaponizing protesting with new laws, law enforcement and vigilante citizens to brutalize, and even attempt to kill protestors. They have resorted to a deeper, more maniacal form of resistance and are willing to go to any lengths to take power over this country.
They have lied through massive, well-funded campaigns of propaganda and spew alternative facts on national networks without shame or conviction; they have resorted to a more intense form of violence, not afraid to use orchestrated units of police force, underground militia vigilantism not unlike the early KKK (through a cowardly and childish form of intimidation), and even military cooperation in small regimens of soldiers. The strategy is to take power and attempt to legitimize these forces to eradicate those they perceive as their sworn enemy.
These groups are consolidated under the organization of Turning Point USA, led by Charlie Kirk, an American conservative activist and radio talk show host. This movement is formed from the outliers of the 45th president’s doctrine of fear and bigotry. They are people who were socially shut out of the mainstream culture as far back as before the Civil Rights Movement because of their racist views and behavior, but resurfaced after the election of Barack Obama, the target of the 45th president and his personal grudge against Black advancement.
The enemy to them, is everyone who does not lap up what they are intending to spit out, which is unbridled capitalism, an imperialist view of American exceptionalism, a form of apostate Christian indoctrination, and a white supremacist agenda that naturalizes people of color to a submissive social status below them, as long as they can. Not only are they attempting to turn back time, but they are setting the stage for a future under a true dictatorship that will stand for years to come; a society your grandchildren and their children will inhabit.
It is therefore imperative that Black America and other ethnic groups, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians, Jews, and any other ethnic American citizens of a darker hue to understand that a new paradigm of war has to be designed and quickly implemented. The United States is an ethnically diverse country and will one hundred percent remain that way, but the problem is a small minority of whites want rule of law over the country and punish others, in addition to any whites who believe in diversity. And they are organizing behind closed doors yet in our faces to dissolve American diversity and Democracy...READ MORE ON PRO LIBERATION