How Homosexuality Infiltrated the Black Church and Community

Growing up in the 70s and 80s, there were only a few gay guys that we knew of and a few tom boys in a 5-mile radius

How Homosexuality Infiltrated the Black Church and Community

Growing up in the 70s and 80s, there were only a few gay guys that we knew of and a few tom boys in a 5-mile radius, which contained 1 high school, 3 middle schools, and close to 10 elementary schools. Today, there is an epidemic of gay lifestyle reaching kids as young as 6 years old all across the nation. Something is wrong.

Nature reveals one common thing, while societal standards stress another, and regardless of what politics, courts, or activist groups pronounce on society concerning any trends outside of traditional lifestyles, Black America always seems to get caught in the crossfire and emerge wounded in the end.

Such is the case with divorce in the 70s, drug use in the 80s, HIV/AIDs in the 90s, and now homosexuality. Whichever way the wind blows the immoralities of society, Blacks are tossed in the breeze along with whites, and as a result of racial emulation, we fight, we protest, and demand various rights all to the detriment of our own being.

The Black church and the men (and women) who lead them, are currently caught up in defending the politically correct lifestyles of gays. Never mind that the very Bible they preach from condemns such lifestyle yet at the same time offer deliverance. But because these people are caught in the cycles of social unrest, they defy the Word and the purpose of the Word, believing they are doing the right thing. In other words, they ignore God and choose to obey the world.

Even if one does not believe in God or the Bible, nature teaches us that there are only two species of human beings; male and female. And these two pro-create to bring forth another life. One can assume that without this natural function, life as we know it would never be. So to defy the absolutes of life in order to justify a behavior contrary to nature’s function, again says something is wrong.

Love between two people is not wrong, regardless of the gender, but humanity would never advance if there were two of one gender in the world: and common sense is the child of divine judgment.

The church must stay focused on the absolute and not bow to the seductions of political correct trends that lead society to undermine the truth of life. And Blacks who protest to gain rights to a lifestyle that leads only to the destruction of the Black community – or any community - should consider the fact that we (Blacks) have always ended up on the dying end of the social deal.