The GOP Wants the Black Vote in 2024?
The key is for Black voters to educated themselves on the issues and not succumb to the populous crowd and fall in line with the possibility of losing this current Democracy to a confessed, wannbe dictator.

After the groundswell of Black votes in 2020 that shellacked the GOP when the last votes rolled in that night, conspiracy theories spread about voter fraud in the Black community. So much so that two Atlanta area poll workers lives were threatened by high government officials connected with the 45th president’s campaign.
The GOP fell so hard to conspiracies and the need for vengeance, they made a movie (2000 Mules), about voter fraud in the Black community in an attempt to dog whistle to the nation that Blacks should be systemically eliminated from voting if possible. When that failed, they then tried the Hershel Walker approach to appeal to the Athletic side of the Black community. Neither did that work.
In the backdrop of their failures to suppress and taint the Black vote, here they come again with Tim Scott, a Black conservative senator from South Carolina and his talking points behind the GOP presidential forerunner to persuade Blacks that this guy is not so bad and that he has their best interest at heart.
“Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) is poised to play a key role in former President Trump’s campaign as Trump and the GOP look to boost support among Black voters. ‘He certainly brings a lot to the table,” Brian Seitchik, GOP strategist and Trump campaign alum, told The Hill. “He’s a substantive person. He’s very conservative, with strong ties into the African American community.’”
The question now is, will the Black community believe this union and get behind the GOP strategy to boost the Black vote?
On policy, the former guy has proposed to secure the border, lower taxes, and stop crime in urban areas. His efforts, however, consist of mass deportations, including the wealthy once again in the tax cuts, and increased policing and “Pitches Sending Military to Cities ‘Until Law and Order Is Restored.’”
“One issue that has rankled Black voters is Scott’s stance on police reform. Although Democrats had pushed for federal police reform after the 2020 murder of George Floyd, Scott — the only sitting Black Republican senator at the time — joined his colleagues in rejecting the Democrats’ proposed legislation.”
Tim Scott is all for his agenda and stands behind him one hundred. “The senator and former president have a very strong working relationship and accomplished a lot during the Trump administration,” a source for the campaign stated. “The most notable, the source said, was the tax cuts under the Trump administration and their work together to ensure permanent funding for historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).”
The evidence of a boost in HBCU funding through the GOP has yet to be seen and reported by any HBCUs. If anything, the GOP is dead set against Black advancement by their efforts to kill DEI and their victory of squashing Affirmative Action through the Supreme Court. Hoping that the Black community falls victim to amnesia, the GOP still insist that they have Blacks’ interest at heart.
Another strategy in the GOP playbook is turning the Black community against the Biden administration by using the Israel/Gaza war and the protested genocide going on against the Palestinians. The GOP is hoping Black voters see the current administration’s support of Israel as a slap to the face of Black sovereignty.
“There’s different levels of enthusiasm,” Albright said. “Younger Black voters aren’t that enthused right now — and that’s putting it lightly — for a range of reasons, some which have more merit than others. The biggest one at this moment being the war in Gaza.”
So where will the Black vote go this election? If the Black voter is informed, they will understand the policies being proposed and choose according to their own best interest. The standing rule is the Black vote has gone to the Democrats for the past 80 years, and even more so now that the GOP is openly and aggressively fighting against Black interest.
The key is for Black voters to educated themselves on the issues and not succumb to the populous crowd and fall in line with the possibility of losing this current Democracy to a confessed, wannbe dictator. However, if Black voters see a light behind the GOP and insist on turning against this current administration, they will reap the same benefits that GOP voters have been reaping for the past 80 years.