News Media Using white Privilege and Propaganda to Sucker Black and Hispanic Voters
In media articles over the past six months, they wish so hard that what they are printing were true. They are using the white privilege of propaganda to persuade Black men and minorities they should consider helping overthrow Democracy, claiming that Black and (Hispanic) voters are moving toward Trump.

Within the dark crevices of the political voting spectrum are minuscule voices crying for media attention that will never actually amount to anything except a Black reality television show; is the Black, male (and female) vote for Trump. Like a bad version of the Apprentice, Internet trolls are seeking to profile and debut anyone to flip in the fight against corporate greed and white male privilege; and Black men are their targets.
In media articles over the past six months, they wish so hard that what they are printing were true. They are using the white privilege of propaganda to persuade Black men and minorities they should consider helping overthrow Democracy, claiming that Black and (Hispanic) voters are moving toward Trump. This is a desperate attempt by the media to drum up a new narrative to turn Black men into gold gym shoe wearing, mugshot t-shirt dripping, boot-licking fools of the Black race.
These are guys who say stuff like, “I like his policies,” who are too intellectually special-ed to realize that whatever things were done during his administration was done by someone else. Trump is not a thinker. He does not have an original thought. He feeds off of bribes, paid actors and whooping and hollering at his rallies. He is told what to do by men who have planned the takeover of Democracy since the Reagan era.
These are brothers who still thinking like Nino Brown, “you got to rob to get rich in the Reagan era.” The talking points and policies are being written right now by hundreds of conservative think tanks documented in Project 2025. Whatever they write is what Trump gonna do. These brothers actually think Trump has a brain. Or they done sold out to show up to his rallies and hold signs.
In a flat-out nutshell, Black men who support Trump are equivalent to the lowest of white men who support Trump; literally, white men who reign from trailer parks, wrestling arenas’, and blighted suburban garages; the men who embrace authoritarianism, neomasculinity, egotism, and male dominance over society. Many also resemble the other face of white male supporters; the cut-throat robber-baron concerned more about profits than humanity. These men are the men who pretend.
They pretend to be strong fathers, community leaders and bootstrap pragmatist but are culturally lost in a time warp of materialistic waste and grander illusions of the high life, control of human chattel, and self-righteous property ownership. Even more disgusting are the Black face, Black men who are likened to nostalgically delusional rappers from the late 90s comparing their crack sale profits to the worth of Donald Trump when they thought he was the poster boy of wealth.
Morally bankrupt these guys are; mistaking draconian foreign and domestic policy for caring and hardcore fiscal responsibility, while ignoring the plight of the poor and capitalisms’ victims of ruin. They are the guys who thought they would get a car from Trump after he was elected. They thought they would get a job with him (while everyone else knew damn well Trump don’t hire Black men), and they would walk the fruited plains looking like Trump.
These are foolish men; men who have lost their way on the road to Black Liberation. They actually think the white man can be reasoned with and inclusive even after all the years of marginalization and repudiation he has shown toward Black men and his women and children. In fact, they would prefer white women and children to their own. They kiss ass, lick boots, and shuffle and jive when they think they will be noticed.
They do not realize that once the conservatives take control of the country, their agenda is to save the best for last. Black people are at the top of their hidden list of oppression once they are done with the rest of society, women and abortion, homosexuals, immigrants, and the liberals. The white man’s ultimate goal is to inflict as much pain as they can on Black America in the end. And these fools are helping, thinking they know something about politics.
These men been beat up when growing up in the hood. They wish they were white. A real Black man can see through the bull. He knows where the struggle is and remains steadfast in defending his women and children; his liberation and if necessary his life. If there are any Black men in your area that support Donald Trump, memorize this and treat that man accordingly, or read them “The Basic Guide on Civil War Emergency Preparation.”