Paying Immigrants to Live in America is Nothing New

To all you so-called Black activist complaining about the new immigrants getting government money and places to live, the Black community has been fighting this fight longer than you have been alive.

Paying Immigrants to Live in America is Nothing New

Growing up in Detroit during the early 1980s, there was an influx of Arabs into certain areas of the city. Koreans came also and both cultures were given tax breaks, (where they paid no taxes from payroll checks for 5 years), and they were given bank loans to purchase small stores and gas stations from Black owners.

Many Black people were happy to sell out to them and moved into the suburbs or back down south. This is not a new thing. It was the Republicans during that time and then the Democrats caught on and joined the hustle. It was more of a race thing because they wanted to buy out Black businesses and marginalize Blacks to the back of the line.

Currently, many stores and gas stations are owned by immigrants. Not many Black businesses exist as they did in the late 70s early eighties. If you are old school, you would remember this. It happened in every major city where Blacks were prospering. This is a race thing, not a Democrat - Republican thing. To make matters worse, Politicians pushed crack into the inner cities to destroy the next generation of Black business owners.

Black activist today who are hollering at the Democrat leadership today apparently do not know their history or have no knowledge of how the white establishment has priced Blacks out of the small business market and gentrified our communities with immigrants.

It is a plan to economically marginalize and diminish Black progress and to replace Black faces with any other culture from around the world. This has been an ongoing fight for Black America from back in the day. No one can place the entire blame on the Democratic party because they have neglected the rural counties also. No, this is a rich man poor man strategy and race to the bottom to erase the Black community and pit poor whites against us.

Just as Project 2025 has been in the planning stages since the early 1980s, so has the gentrification of Black communities since the days of segregation. So please, all you so-called Black activist and preachers complaining about the new immigrants getting government money and places to live, the Black community has been fighting this fight longer than you have been alive.

The only difference is, they doing it with South Americans now instead of Arabs or Koreans. But for all the slight of hand by systemic racism, the Black community lives on and survives, and we will survive regardless of how much hate is thrown our way. The four one is to call it when you see it, then ignore the bigots do what's right. More power to the Black community.