The Reason Blacks Vote Democrat

Black people vote Democrat because they do not like racism. It is that simple.

The Reason Blacks Vote Democrat


Social media has exploded with trashing Blacks who want to cast a vote for Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. Many have been recruited by trolling companies who pay for this media blitz of videos of Blacks pandering to the MAGA crowd and many so-called pro-Black activist are complaining that Blacks get nothing from the Democratic party for all the years they have voted for them.

So, Blacks are being pushed to vote on the GOP ticket as a means to protest the Democrats. They are literally being shamed into changing their votes based on their historical relationship with the Democrats and Black Christians are being persecuted into changing as a means to protest abortion and homosexuality.

The problem with both these attempts to move the Black vote in another direction is not smart at all. In fact, it is self-defeating. These voting activists have not taken into consideration that of the two choices, Blacks are being made to vote against their own interest by voting for their own voting rights to be taken away, their citizenship questioned, and their rights as humans to be returned to a Jim Crow time era.

These advocates for Blacks to vote MAGA has to be a ploy and a con because no Black person in their right mind would vote for their own degradation as a people and be returned to second class citizenship. They lie by attempting to promise Blacks that the MAGA cause is not trying to suppress Black advancement but if research is done by a critical thinking Black person, they will see this is exactly what the MAGA base wants, to regain their power over people of color.

Black people vote Democrat because they do not like racism. It is that simple. Any Black person who votes for them, even if they have to compromise abortion and homosexuality, is making the better decision because when they wake up to a world where they have to submit to the orders of psychopathic police brutality and a criminal justice system on steroids, they will regret their vote.

When they walk down the street or into a store or their place of employment, the grocery store or anywhere, and they are hearing the N-word loud and clear, being followed and profiled and then being accused of a crime they have not done, prosecuted and jailed because Karen is having a bad day.

When the police show up and ignore their right to due process, smacks them around a little and the judge goes blind to justice; when they have to go to their child’s school because they were beaten by a group of white kids and the white kids get away with it and their child is expelled; when they go to the hospital and are placed in a separate room from other people not black and seen hours later or not seen at all, they will regret their vote.

When they are shot at and afraid to call the police, when they are yelled at in public, fired from their jobs for no reason, and made to work second hand labor jobs by law, they will think again and wonder what the hell they did to themselves. When they end up dead because they did not realize they voted the wrong way until it is too late, their family members will have to live the rest of their lives with their choice of racial oppression just to protest the Democrats because they did not get reform fast enough.

Only non-thinking people are pushing Blacks to vote against their own interest and it will be those very people who will be responsible for their own oppression in the future of Making America White Again.