Social Media Trolls Effect on the Black Community

A large troll farm is at work 24/7 around social media trying to deceive Black America to turn its back on their culture, their role models and their ancestry.

Social Media Trolls Effect on the Black Community


The political pressure is on Black America. White supremacy conservatives are desperate to recruit Blacks to vote with MAGA because they know they have lost many white men. They are going in deep to lie to and deceive Black people to jump off the bridge after they see other Blacks jumping off. They think we stupid.

Memes, deep fake videos, click bait to false news stories, and the rise of Elon’s X is attempting to dig deep into the psyche of Black America and condition them to believe lies and baseless propaganda. 

A large troll farm is at work 24/7 around social media trying to deceive Black America to turn its back on their culture, their role models and their ancestry. And it seems to be working when Black icons are spewing racist undertones against their own people. 

Most sad is there is a generation of Blacks that are considering voting against their own interest and being persuaded to champion policies and ideologies that go against basic common sense. Policies that will turn back time and set their children up for failure in an already racist country.

This has caused many in the Black community to have forgotten the history of this country and white America’s intensions towards us as a people and chosen to defy logic and place themselves back into the cotton fields of the prison industrial complex. This deceptive movement of lies have produced a generation of Blacks who are braindead, mindless, and hell bound.

The ones who have fallen to the hoaxes of deep fake videos of paid Blacks, take sides in politics, undermine historical pro Black leaders and achievements, proclaim foolishness such as being a Black Nazi, Blacks for Trump, and wishing themselves back onto the plantation. When the decision comes down to which side of the oppressive country they choose to live, many are being hoodwinked into choosing the most oppressive side.

Tik Tok, Facebook, X and Youtube is promoting the most coonage generation of Black people this country has not seen since the days of vaudeville. This is a sad day and a tragedy against Black achievement.