Encourage Your Children to Get a Trade and Rebuild Our Communities

We do not have to blindly follow the standard path of the false American dream any longer, but should think outside the box to start building our own business empires once again.

Encourage Your Children to Get a Trade and Rebuild Our Communities


The future economic landscape is changing because of the frailty of the white ego and we need to stay ahead of the game. The traditional call was for people to go to college and get a good education, find a corporate job and work your way to the top as CEO. This was one of the lies of the American dream.

Reality says that people need services in many areas including one of the many trades out there and not just financial, project management, or corporate business. All families need heating and air conditioning repair, which pays more than many corporate jobs do. In addition, jobs such as plumbing, electrical work, solar installation, auto mechanics, welders and brick layers; these jobs can be done by men and women.

We can still seek out such fields as technology, medicine, and criminal justice, but we need to strengthen our schools to do so. This means more teachers willing to educate toward the future. Entrepreneurship is also encouraged for young Black men and women. If a college degree has been obtained, young people should go out on their own to establish their own firms, clinics, consulting in different areas, mentoring, and teaching in many of those same fields. 

We do not have to blindly follow the standard path of the false American dream any longer, but should think outside the box to start building our own business empires once again.

We know they are a jealous people and there is a chance they will come again to burn down and destroy what we have built, but this time we need protection against such barbarianism. There are many young Black men who instead of reaching for athletic careers and entertainment in rap music, they can train one another to protect the communities. All this starts with a change in perspective for the future. A reeducation of the mind.

Reducing Black involvement in athletics and entertainment will reduce the capital in the white man’s pockets also and redirect the paths of Black men to another dimension of thinking. We do not have to meet market cost on things the community needs such as child care, healthcare, or home services. We can make things affordable and still meet our goals. Greed is what creates poverty and this is also a part of the American capitalist dream, which failed.

We can be different but we need thinkers and doers who understand how to rearrange the market within our communities so we do not have to venture outside to the white areas and markets. We know how to grow food and need not depend on American farmers. We know how to cook and clean and raise children so we can always offer those services to our own communities instead of spending outside.

Most important, young Black men need training in protecting our communities against what we know they will do next. Those who consider joining the US military should join the coalition of young brothers and sisters in a new Black militia to protect us first. 

We can build houses, stores, factories and offer jobs to the community. We can also seek assistance from the international diaspora if need be. There are no laws that say we cannot. Foreigners do it all the time. They visit other countries and send money home to their families. It is time we start pulling away from this failure of a country.