Flat-Earthers, Sage Burners, and Universe Worshipers: All Idolatry
People will do anything and believe anything to avoid acknowledging God, His creation and their own sinful lifestyles. When they are not denying His existence, they are mocking His creation.

People will do anything and believe anything to avoid acknowledging God, His creation and their own sinful lifestyles. When they are not denying His existence, they are mocking His creation. The bottom line is people have resorted to excuses that do away with any form of a Supreme Being greater than themselves and their own arrogance.
Flat earthers are people who have dedicated themselves to a senseless theory already debunked by science and advanced technology, which is the earth is flat. Either these people are paid to undermine human intelligence and fool people who lack critical thinking skills, or they have been recruited by those who specialize in foolery and alternative facts.
Anyone who exist in the real world and has a touch of common sense can look at the Sun and the moon and see they are both round, and photos from space that show the earth is round, and should be able to deduce that any other planetary figure in the universe would also be round unless otherwise known and revealed.
The belief in a flat earth would also be an insult to the creator of the heavenly host, who has created the person themselves who would contradict basic logic and visual ability. The plausible deniability and cognitive dissonance it take to defy nature takes the mind of someone who is one-dimensional in thinking.
These are people who lack mental depth and complexity in their though process, which restricts them to the most basic level of consciousness. Nothing more complicated than what they can actually see would ever register in their minds. All the mathematical equations and photogenic graphics they drum up to show the earth is flat are junk science, artificially generated and a mere figment of their imagination, meant to confuse someone who is also one- dimensional in thinking.
In the instance of sage burners, one-dimensional thinking also exists on a spiritual level. Though these people believe that burning sage wards off evil spirits and improves the conscience of their inner person, they neglect the fact that there are multiple dimensions that exist beyond their narrow view of the spiritual world. Evil exists in the realm of goodness also.
Opening up the spirit world is more complicated than they can comprehend, which is why they can only be attuned to the one aspect of evil and not any others. They basically live in constant fear of evil so they expect and attract evil in their lives because they lack goodness in their character. They are actually fighting a battle that could easily be won if they would simply apply goodness toward others in their lives, which would negate evil. Not to mention sage burning is a form of witchcraft.
Universe worshipers are people who have decided that there is no God who would personally connect with individuals, but they do acknowledge Him as the creator of the universe. They suppose that everything happens by chance and sometimes for a reason when the universe is aligned but they can never personally connect the creator of that universe in relating to themselves.
These are people who simply refuse to take responsibility for their wrong doings and sinful lifestyles and would rather toss the blame to the universe and its actions. The laws of nature apply to our surroundings as well as to our everyday lives and actions by, and toward others. And this is where they have a disconnect. In other words, when things are going their way, the universe is working in their favor, but when things take a turn for the worse, they use this to excuse away the existence of God. It is an easy escape from personal responsibility.
Overall, people who refuse to believe in the existence of God and how He relates to them personally, will resort to myths, fables, and junk science and spirituality to avoid being held accountable for their wrong doings. They are not only in denial of God, but of themselves as a person. They must be reminded that God loves them and His creation and that He is not there to harm them but save and deliver them from the evils of mankind.
"And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven." 2 Kings 23:5.