Our Fight is Much Bigger than Politics

One would think that neglecting to vote would bring an end to society as we know it, or that our votes actual make change in society for the better and for the people. This is a huge lie. The fight is against a much bigger and devious enemy;

Jan 28, 2023 - 14:03
Jan 2, 2024 - 23:19
 0  158
Our Fight is Much Bigger than Politics

One would think that neglecting to vote would bring an end to society as we know it, or that our votes actual make change in society for the better and for the people. This is a huge lie. The fight is against a much bigger and devious enemy; the wealthy, who has laid the foundation of corporate slavery and exploitation of humanity for the near future. The only resolution, is revolution.

There are extremely wealthy men, dead and alive, who have plotted for years (mainly after the first stock market crash of 29) that they would take over this government, the consumer market, and the labors of the people. They have positioned their pawns in strategic locations in the government, the banking system, on the courts, and in the streets as policemen, to guard against their plans for a full-blown oligarchy.

Politics is merely a way to keep the people distracted and fighting among themselves over trivial issues such as cancel culture, abortion rights, homosexuality and racism; and to keep them drunk, unhealthy, educationally ignorant and so deep in debt they cannot take a day off.

They plotted for years and then implemented the plan when Reagan came into office and changed the social narrative from government for the people to government for the wealthy, and that government is the problem. They implanted ideologies that the wealthy should be highly respected, praised and worshipped while the government’s only duty is to use the military to protect them against foreign invaders and domestic uprise.

They have infiltrated the institutions of higher learning with capitalist economic theory in addition to building a strong lobbying force to legally bribe politicians and the higher courts to side with policies of the wealthy, and eventually, overtime, let the working class fend for themselves. They funded complex think tanks, political campaigns and even overthrew a few smaller countries to test their theories.

While so-called religious leaders heatedly advocate for the wealthy and against the government, freedoms and rights are slowly being taken from the working class and the poor to the point that if people have not saved any money for their future, education, or retirement; or were not born into wealth, they are simply out of luck. Interest rates are demons, loans and credit are there to keep people in debt, and healthcare is withheld from the people so they lose the will and strength to fight back.

This is the slow death of democracy and literally all human rights with a slow and lackadaisical march into proletarian servitude. They are taking voting rights, civil rights, consumer rights, union and worker rights, as well as stripping away basic needs such as clean water, food, and shelter from more and more people over time and right before our eyes.

The ironic part about all this is the wealthy have underestimated the will of the people and will face a revolution they are not prepared for. This is why the military budget is secretly overblown, they have the United States military standing ready when it all hits the fan. We are being played and treated like animals by people who have the morals and compassion equivalent to animals themselves.

MinisterCR A minister, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ for 34 years. Peace and love to all. Stay prayerful.