Christians Champion Antichrist Policies from Their Antichrist Leader
Apostate Christian leaders today highlight policies pushed by their new leader like it is the Second Coming of Christ himself, and will transform the nation into the Kingdom of God.

An antichrist mentality is one that is the complete opposite of the teachings of Christ. Yet, apostate Christian leaders today highlight policies pushed by their new leader like it is the Second Coming of Christ himself, and will transform the nation into the Kingdom of God.
In an article entitled; “Trump rallies supporters ahead of inauguration, talks trans ideology, DEI and illegal immigration,” they pull out three apparently most important policies they deem vital in transforming the country to make it great again in the sight of their leader. However, Jesus’ teachings do not line up with their teachings not one bit.
First, Jesus teaches his followers to love their neighbors and to help heal and deliver them from their transgressions, not to demonize them and shut them out of society. Homosexuality is a spiritual, individual sin spreading in society and needs attention from believers not as a criminal act, but as one that needs attention and the power of deliverance.
The incoming president has demonized it as a spirit that should be seen as deserving of punishment and seclusion instead of deliverance, love and patience. Unfortunately, Christians today have taken up this mantel of retribution against this small minority 0.1% of the population from their leader to ostracize them, berate, and shun them, as was done to adulterous women in the early years of the Puritan society of the US.
By tagging them in society like the Puritans did adulterous women with a large “A” on their backs, trans and homosexuals are being targeted and flagged for society to ridicule instead of deliver. And instead of Christian leaders informing their idol that Jesus would have handled this crisis a different way, they have jumped on board the persecution train behind him. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” St. John 8:7.
Second, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) is another fearmongering word used to target people of color, specifically Black Americans because (as do they all), their leader has a deep-seated animosity toward Black Americans beginning with Obama (the first Black president). A return to Jim Crow is burning in their souls because their egos have been damaged by the rise and prosperity of Black Americans.
“The president-elect also identified DEI as an ideology that is in the crosshairs of his administration. After expressing a desire to eliminate the ideology from the government and the private sector, Trump promised to “get wokeness the hell out of our military immediately and make it like it used to be.”
It is known that DEI is known as the new Jim Crow dog whistle that will be emphasized and used to demote Black workers and organizations to the bottom of the list pertaining to jobs, businesses, education, and social justice movements and Civil Rights, which will be targeted by law enforcement and tagged by his DOJ as terrorist organizations fighting against US culture.
They camouflage it as reverse racism so they can claim whites are being discriminated against by DEI policies put in place to fight off workplace discrimination and public and open bigotry in this new "Great Again,” nation. But it is nothing more than an excuse to keep Black Americans in their social, economic place beneath whites. That is all.
Jesus never addresses racism directly but taught that we should love our neighbors regardless of who they are and what color they were born. But that ideology does not sit right in the US because this country was built on racism and hate toward people who are not white, and it continues to this day, upheld by Christian leaders and followers of this new idol. “For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.” Romans 10:12.
Third, he and they speak against immigrants as if they are the “vermin” of society (quoting their leader himself), and the cause of all problems in the country. He is planning a nationwide deportation project to round up immigrants and send them back to their countries, and this is okay with Christian leaders and followers. Even though Jesus, and basically the entire Bible, encourages us to welcome in the stranger if they seek refuge among God’s people. If this country is supposedly a Christian nation, this should be priority, but it is the opposite and they hate immigrants.
In fact, deporting immigrants is one of the most popular policies among those who voted for this man than anything else. They cheer as he speaks evil of these people. They cheer when he promises on day one, he will get rid of them. “The economy, the border, abortion and transgender issues were of primary importance for supporters of the president-elect.”
He says, “By the time the sun sets tomorrow evening, (Jan. 21), the invasion of our borders will have come to a halt, and all the illegal border trespassers will, in some form or another, be on their way back home,” he said. Trump then told the crowd of his intention to include border security reforms, which he described as “the most aggressive, sweeping effort to restore our borders the world has ever seen” in his inaugural address Monday…. In addition to instituting “the largest deportation operation in American history,”
“And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.” Leviticu 19:33.
“But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour?” St. Luke 10:29-37.
Neither of these three policy promises line up with the teachings of Jesus but are all hateful, bigoted, and egocentric desires by people who have no understanding of what Jesus taught or of God’s will. This is the agenda of a white nationalist people who want a white nationalist country with anyone who is not white below them in social and economic status; nothing more, nothing less.
However, the incoming president did talk of other policies he would enforce. According to his speech, “After declaring “we won,” Trump vowed to “act with historic speed and strength to fix every single crisis facing our country. Together, we’re going to cut your taxes, end inflation, slash your prices, getting them back down, raise your wages and bring thousands of factories back to the USA right where they belong,” he concluded. “We will build American, we will buy American and we will hire American.”
These are the same things he promised in his first administration, among other things such as building a wall on the southern border, beefing up coal and oil production, (which is a step backward in innovation and technology compared to other more developed countries), yet he faced a tragic situation in the pandemic that tarnished his entire presidency by mishandling the crises by lying, distorting science and facts, and letting millions die.
Planning to fix every single crises facing our country includes the top priorities to the citizens, which he did not address directly, such as people wanting universal healthcare because of the overpriced and exploitive healthcare market; banning semiautomatic weapons that are killing our children, enforcing safer gun laws, the overblown housing market owned by Wall Street bankers, which has led to increased homelessness and insecurity, not taking away social safety nets such as Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, and getting money out of politics which has corrupted our elections. He never addressed either of these things. Things that are real problems that have impoverished millions.
Instead, he talked about less important topics beyond his actual control, such as prices, which he cannot, nor any president can control because it is a free market crises; raising wages, which is also a free market choice, cutting taxes, which everyone knows is a lie since he has first promised billionaires their tax cuts first, which we all know never trickles down; and bringing jobs back, which is another free market item in the hands of corporations. The president cannot change either of these things that truly effect the country because they are all capitalist ventures controlled by the companies that implement them.
Unfortunately, US citizens are not educated enough to understand these phenomena because the educational system is broken and in place to keep people dumb down instead of knowledgeable about how a real economy works. They have all been trained to be corporate slaves and workers. They have been brainwashed to think one dimensional in terms of race, lifestyle, and political party identity instead of seeing their fellow neighbors as people to love and not to hate. Sadly, he has promised to further damage education by talking away the Department of Education instead of Improving it.
Finally, this man has convinced a small minority of the populous to believe that “the other,” hates our country therefore he must reeducate them into a new found patriotism that worships a country hell bent on secluding itself from diversity and focusing only on the history of whiteness and capitalist individualism; a reindoctrinating of white supremacy under the banner of Christian nationalism. And to rewrite history in favor of American exceptionalism and Patriarchal control.
“Trump assured Americans that under his administration, “We will teach our children to love our country, to honor our history and to always respect our great American flag, and we will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our schools.” He also declared that beginning Monday, “We will keep men out of women’s sports…I will defend religious liberty. I will restore free speech,” he added.
Non issues such as Critical Race Theory, wokeness, and men in women’s sports are all distractions that keep his cult following mentally occupied with nonsense and diverted from his and his billionaire crew’s true agenda, which is to rob the coffers of the US market and plunge millions of people into poverty-level lifestyles. Sadly, Christian leaders and followers cannot see the con and are one hundred percent behind this apostate form of false Christianity and political malfeasance.
The writing is clearly on the wall and many true Christians and followers of Christ can see the scam. The problem is the most prominent of Christian leaders are encouraging this misstep from the gospel of Christ and are leading millions of people toward the gates of hell believing they have a man who will bring this country back to God. The Lord has already cursed this nation and their past sins of racism and genocide have buried them in destruction. There is no atonement for this nation under the leadership of this man. They have been deceived by a lying wonder greater than Satan’s plot in the garden of Eden.
“But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.” 1 Timothy 6:9.