The Fake Victory of the Male – Female Executive Order
Any preachers that give honor and due to this act is giving honor to a lie of the devil for doing something God has already done.

In another episode of “Christian ignorance and false doctrine,” misguided preachers and fake Christians are celebrating and giving honor to the new president for enacting an executive order “proclaiming that the U.S. government will recognize only two sexes, male and female, and ending "radical and wasteful" diversity, equity and inclusion programs inside federal agencies.”
This is a non-issue seeing God has already made this proclamation from the beginning of creation. This man did nothing new or great; all he did was resend an order by the last president that gave a third choice to identify as something different. Choosing to be something that does not exist does not make it a reality, so the first order was delusional in itself. Of course, there are no other genders so those who choose a third option is not living in reality.
The problem with this fake assertion is that the whole country is watching a make-believe crisis while at the same time defying many other commandments of God this country has allowed to pass for centuries. Divorce, adultery, exploitation of the poor, the death penalty and liars in public office are just some of those commandments.
To sit back and watch so-called preachers of the gospel of Christ cheer this move is a sure sign that this country has fallen from grace in the most delusional way. Lying signs and wonders have taken control of the minds of the public and some of God’s chosen to the point they cannot see the hypocrisy or the ignorance behind their cheers.
This executive order may have stopped foolishness in its path in a society on the road to a false reality of gender confusion, but to ignore the most obvious transgressions is astounding. Now, if he had made a decree that would stop adultery and the other former sins, then there could be a celebration, but this attempt to make history is a non-issue that reeks of deception. But too many false preachers and politicians are adulterers, liars, and crooks so they ignore these transgressions and make no laws to enforce them.
Any preachers that give honor and due to this act is giving honor to a lie of the devil for doing something God has already done. The devil deserves no honor or due or respect where it pertains to what God has already done. Preachers need to stick to the Word of God and stop following after the lies and ignorance of political pulpit pimps and their worship of their false god-like man.
On the issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, if preachers actually had the wisdom and understanding of God that He gives liberally to all men, James 1:5, they would know to seek the definition of these words and their true meanings. The problem is they have applied definitions to the words based on racist ideologies instead of what they actually mean.
The shame they have brought to the true meaning of the gospel of Christ is something that will be hard for them to come back from. They have literally “crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.” Hebrews 6:6.