
There Will Be No End Time Revival of the Church

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, mar...

Woke Centered Doctrine and Sermons

Pastors and theologians who focus their sermons and preaching on the term wokene...

A Prophesy in a Time Such as This

God is going to give another chance and do away with the false prophets and teac...

The Trinity Theory is a Man-Made Doctrine and Not of God

Men today who do not possess the gift of the Holy Ghost are blind to its revelat...

Apostle John Identifies and Prophesies of the Antichris...

The church of Christ today needs to serious reconsider their stance on the scrip...

Perfect Example of Why New Versions of the Holy Bible D...

Bible scholars will analyze the Bible from a Greek and Hebrew standpoint and swe...

Yes, There Are Apostles Today

The most obvious of the false teachings and doctrines of those who claim there a...

Jesus Gave a Description of Christian Nationalist in th...

If comparing the Christians of today against the parable of the Good Samaritan, ...

Born Again Believers Who Backslide into Perdition

Backsliding is an Old Testament word and concept and not mentioned in the New Te...

Balancing the Holy Spirit and the Word of Truth

No believer can operate in the Spirit without having knowledge of the Word. And ...

The Scriptural Misuse of Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child

Teachers of the gospel must learn to turn from Old Testament scriptures of the l...

All Those in The Body of Christ Are Christians, But Not...

Anyone can claim to be a Christian and even go to church all their lives having ...

Self Proclaimed Prophets Make a Mockery of Gods Gift

These false prophets of today have made a mockery of the gift of God and some ha...

The Demonic Influence of Intellectual Religion and New ...

The simple question for believers who think critically is to ask yourself why ha...

Organized Religion and False Prophets Have Driven More ...

The problem is these churches and their leaders never really knew God and are th...

Romans 13 Says Nothing About the Government

If read in its entirety and understood under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,...

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