Inside the White House Bible Study: The Christian Nationalist Agenda for America

There is a problem with the Christian Nationalist approach, interpretation and understanding of the Bible. And they will do, and are doing, serious damage to this nation.

Mar 25, 2025 - 13:39
Mar 25, 2025 - 14:12
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Inside the White House Bible Study: The Christian Nationalist Agenda for America


Christian Nationalist have embedded themselves deep into the offices of the White House, Congress and Senate chambers. So deep, there is a weekly bible study conducted with congress members and prayer services with the president, where Evangelical Christians gather to pray for the president hoping to influence the nation’s policies using God’s word.

Their doctrine is also mixed with capitalist theory heavily influenced by the wealthy, who seek biblical justification to enforce their ways of subjugation onto the populous. They do this by condemning any forms of socialism or communism-controlled government theory. The mingling of the two – Christian Nationalist doctrine and capitalism - set the standards of political policy in the nation by written laws and a draconian boldness in worldview pushed into the minds of political leaders.

Understanding the ideology behind Christian Nationalism melded with capitalism must go further than viewing them as crack pot religious fundamentalist and authoritarians however. They believe deeply in what they do and are not simply trying to be cruel or push their religious agenda on the nation. They are sincerely committed to changing the country and patterning it after the Bible. But there is a problem with their approach, interpretation and understanding of the Bible. And they will do, and are doing, serious damage to this nation.

First, they wrongfully rely heavily on Old Testament concepts as a foundation to their theories, totally ignoring the messages and teachings of Jesus Christ. This reliance on Old Testament doctrine distorts and conflicts with the New Testament teachings fulfilling a message of Jesus in Matthew 9:17, which reads, “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.”

Further documented by St. John who wrote; “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” John 1:17. John clearly made a distinction between the Old Testament doctrine and the New. Whereas Moses set the children of Israel on a path of righteousness through ordinances and laws meant to be practiced with physical might and human will, the New requires obedience by faith and inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God and not by human might alone. When the two are mingled like they are through Christian Nationalist teachings, it becomes a struggle to fulfill God’s true will.

Today, God is not dealing with a physical nation as He was with Israel, He is dealing with a spiritual people, a Holy nation, the church, and all who are born again of His Holy Spirit. The church mission is not to control the government but to assist God in bringing lost souls to salvation and to escape the troubles of the world. The world today, and its governments, are controlled by the prince of the world, Satan, and God keeps His people protected from evil through faith and offers them deliverance because the world will only get worse according to the prophesies of the last days.

This battle between good and evil is what a guy named Ralph Drollinger is using to justify his and the many evangelical Christians praying over the president is using in transforming the nation into a Christian nation. Drollinger leads an organization called Capitol Ministries, who has set up weekly bible studies with political leaders. Dating back to the first administration, “CBN reported in April [of 2017], that Drollinger started working during the transition to set up White House Bible studies, noting that "sponsors include Vice President Pence; Secretaries Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, Sonny Perdue, Rick Perry, Tom Price and Jeff Sessions; EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.” Drollinger’s most recent Bible study guide lists more than 50 members of Congress as sponsors, along with Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Tim Griffin.”

Currently, as early as February 2025, “the religious-right organization Capitol Ministries announced the resumption of its Bible studies for members of the Trump administration and its cabinet, including US 15 governors. In a recorded speech to the Hillsboro, Oregon Prayer Breakfast in October, Drollinger said there are 12 Cabinet members taking part in the weekly White House Bible studies, and about 30 House members and 12 senators taking part in the congressional versions. Drollinger and his Capitol Ministries have big growth plans.

Perry Gauthier, the Nebraska-based North America director for Capitol Ministries, has reportedly traveled to 30 states this year to help reach the organization’s goal of creating 50 Bible studies in 50 state capitals. The group also launched CivicReach, ‘a ministry that partners with local churches to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to city council members and county commissioners.’ Drollinger says there are 40,000 local governments, mostly without ‘outposts for Christ,’ and the project’s goal is to ‘foster’ in local officials ‘a Christian worldview.’”

Drollinger and the other Christian nationalist leaders view the nation as a spiritual battle between good and evil that has to be won by any means necessary. This battle includes current policies and lifestyles facing the country they see as demonic such as, “Marriage equality, homosexuality, abortion, feminism, Islam, liberal Christianity, and Communism.” They have conveniently cherry picked these issues while leaving out other issues not specifically addressed through policy, such as, adultery, divorce, murder, rampant fornication, stealing, idolatry, lying and propaganda (biblically known as sorcery).

Of course, murder and stealing are addressed by law enforcement but their interpretation of how these issues should be handled and who to charge with such crimes is another story. Thus, we have a two-tiered justice system. Other policies addressed by this movement are, “support for right-wing economic, social, environmental, immigration, and criminal justice policies. Drollinger teaches that the government’s primary job is to ‘quell evil’ and punish sin and teaches that entitlement programs lack ‘any basis of biblical authority’ and believes that elections are ‘first and foremost a spiritual battle.’”

Each of these issues are addressed by the Bible but when they interpret these issues using the bible, they tend to lean toward the Old Testament doctrine instead of the teachings of Christ. Furthermore, they include stipulated definitions and solutions for these problems by totally misinterpreting the scriptures for their own use and their advantage. 

For instance, when speaking on the Constitutional mandate for the separation of church and state, “Drollinger’s comments about separation of church and state, he says that while the Bible supports institutional separation—no state Church—it does not support ‘influential’ separation, which apparently is the church’s obligation to develop righteous governmental leaders. He is dismissive of Christian groups that focus on lobbying for specific policies, rather than winning politicians’ souls or replacing them with people who are ‘strong in Christ Public Servants.’”

In their minds, it is imperative that political leaders are Christ believing people who have a mandate from God to run the nation under Christian rule and make policies that follow the teachings of the bible. Again, the problem is their interpretation of the bible only seem to fit their agenda. They leave out many scriptures and lessons of Christ to fulfill their goals. And their choice of politicians to do God’s will are not true disciples of Christ, which makes a huge difference in understanding God’s will and setting policy for a nation of 340 million people.

The government’s primary goal is not to “quell evil” only, but also to look after the poor, the sick, and the stranger, or immigrant. Jesus teaches a parable about the duties of a nation in Matthew 25: 31-46, “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:”

He goes on to separate them based on how they addressed issues of the poor and sick, and those in prisons. But according to Christian nationalist, “the government’s primary job is to “quell evil” and punish sin,” and they should not involve themselves in supporting the less fortunate. They believe social programs are not godly and lack “any basis of biblical authority." But according to the parable Jesus spoke of, that concept is not true at all. The nations should watch over the unfortunate and provide where they should to avoid massive poverty, disease, and injustice.

Christian nationalist believes that “The Bible entrusts families and churches with the responsibility of helping the poor, says Drollinger, and ‘nowhere in Scripture does God assign the specific responsibility to Government to provide entitlements for its citizenry.’ He does say that the Bible doesn’t explicitly prohibit government aid to the poor, but he argues that ‘to the degree any institution engages in responsibilities outside of its biblically-explicit God-ordained role(s) is the same degree to which it becomes inefficient and wasteful.’”

This is where capitalism and Christianity mingle to give excuses for political policies that eliminate social programs they consider wasteful and ungodly. It is also a misinterpretation of scripture when clearly Christ judged harshly against the nations that neglected the poor and needy. “In September, Drollinger returned to his attacks on government social spending, which he says is rooted in the ‘bad theology’ of theological liberalism and the social gospel, one of the major strains of Christian thought in the U.S. in the 20th century. While the social gospel gets respectful treatment at the new Museum of the Bible, Drollinger treats it with contempt, saying it is “not Christianity whatsoever! It is another religion!”

When Christian nationalist attack liberal ideology, socialism and communism, this is why. They would rather believe that the bible does not justify helping the poor and would rather believe people are basically on their own. “Drollinger follows that with another study entitled ‘God’s Design for a Societal Safety Net,’ which he grounds in a passage from one of Paul’s epistles, a Bible verse that Republican members of Congress have cited as justification for cuts in food stamps: ‘If anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.’ He cites another letter in which Paul says young widows should not receive charitable help; they should instead get remarried, have children, and keep house. Drollinger says specifically that government should not take care of elderly people when they have relatives like grandchildren who could do so.”

The passages of scripture they use to justify these policy choices come from 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” Paul was teaching the church that chosen men of God should not ask for money from the people they preached to and to avoid being busy bodies in other men’s matters and stay focused on the gospel. That they should work for their food and not beg from others.

Paul teaches in 1 Timothy 5:1-16 that older women who are widows should be taken care of by family and if they do not have family, the church should provide for them, but only if they have shown good works toward others. If younger women are widows (or single) they should get married and the church should not be responsible for taking care of them. This is where Christian nationalist get their concept of the government not providing food stamps or any other financial assistance to young or old women, or the elderly all together. The problem comes in when there is no family to help and the church is not offering any help either.

The breakdown of the nuclear family in America has caused deep divisions between parents and children, and extended family members. Government involvement has some responsibility in that breakdown, but toxic lifestyles also play a part. Drugs, guns, domestic violence, criminal activity and more are issues that the church alone cannot handle, although they try. Charitable organizations, (who are often funded by government grants), and the government has to take up the slack for issues the church falls short on. Unfortunately, the church is not equipped with the manpower or discipline of God, to address these issues.

Instead, the church today is more focused on gathering money from the community than distributing money for their needs. The prosperity gospel is a multi-million-dollar industry that leaves the needy to the mercy of charitable organizations and the government. Some churches distribute food boxes, clothing and sometimes financial help with promises of repaying the church back, but this is not scriptural. People should not have to pay the church back. Giving is the purpose. The church is supposed to make sure the members are financially supported regardless of their social, tithing or giving status. The book of Acts clearly explains this in Acts 4:34, 35.

Also within Christian Nationalist doctrine is a misinterpreted teaching of private property rights supposedly supported by God in the Old Testament. This is also a capitalist concept mingled with scripture. “In a study focused on property rights, Drollinger cites Old Testament teachings to support his argument that ‘God is a Capitalist not a Communist.’ And he warns that ‘as America jettisons its trust in the Torah, it follows that there would be and are increasing threats to, and the erosion of private property ownership,’ including excessive environmental regulation.’”

This is all false doctrine being taught to politicians. Again, in the book of Acts, the people sold their property and houses and gave the money to the apostles who distributed the wealth to the people as they had need. But because we live in a capitalist country, Christian Nationalist ignore this mission of the church and hold to Old Testament theory on false teachings of private property rights, which is not factual itself. They also advocate for the death penalty based on Old Testament doctrine when Jesus taught that any forms of murder was a sin. Either by punishment for crimes, or by war, or law enforcement. Unfortunately, authoritarians thirst after punishment of evil doers instead of encouraging rehabilitation, mercy, peace and redemption.

“God’s job is to ‘suppress evil’ and ‘punish evildoers,’ Drollinger says, and he argues in a November 21 Bible study that the Bible not only permits but requires the death penalty, particularly for murder: ‘Fear of the State and its power to execute equal and proportional justice is a necessary force in a fallen world.’ He says directly, ‘as a lawmaker it is incumbent on you to stand for the death penalty relative to the good of the citizens of the country.’”

Jesus teaches that we are no longer under the laws of the Old Testament and encourages that we not use the old eye for an eye retribution methods, but “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:38, 39. Drollinger and the Christian Nationalist ideology is absolutely wrong because they ignore the teachings of Jesus and rely on old doctrine for the punishment of evil doers. God’s job is NOT to “suppress evil” and “punish evildoers,” but to bring people to repentance and salvation. “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:17.

But as the bible teaches in Romans chapter 1, God has given men of the world reprobate minds because they refuse to acknowledge him and His will for humanity. They have become unmerciful, covetous, haters of God, deceitful, without natural affection, malicious and without understanding. This includes men in the church, Christian pastors and politicians. According to Drollinger, “It is not the conservative Christian with a high view of the inspiration of Scripture who is the simpleton, who clings to his or her beliefs with blind faith, ignorant and lacking intellectual, scientific, and historical support. Rather, it is the one who espouses a liberal ‘understanding’ of God’s Word.”

“Drollinger writes that it is important for public officials to understand why the social gospel is a perversion, or a corruption of what the Bible actually teaches. And if liberal political ideology comes from liberal theology, then liberal political ideology too (specifically entitlement programs) is lacking in a basis—i.e. any basis of biblical authority.” The concept of “liberal ideology” in Christianity is a made-up term used by conservative Christians and Nationalist to undermine the scriptures they refuse to acknowledge, such as any care for the poor, the innocent, or the stranger (immigrants).

The agenda of Christian Nationalist only addresses issues they want removed from government policy and to replace them with specific policies that fulfill their will of control of marriage, women, immigrants, homosexuality, abortion, private property and more power for the church to rule the country. Yet they do not address adultery, divorce, theft as in corporate corruption and exploitation of workers, political bribery and extortion, or the greed of wealthy men and prosperity preachers.

“When asked by a reporter about how his own divorce and remarriage lines up with biblical teaching, Drollinger revealed a more lenient interpretation of scripture, saying ‘I think guys can be divorced and remarried as long as they’re not married to two women.’ Drollinger adds, ‘By the way, I tried to do everything I could to save my first marriage, but she went into the lesbian lifestyle, and that was 20 years ago.’”

Drollinger’s response is typical of Christian Nationalist hypocrisy on a personal lifestyle and in national policy. They pick and choose what laws to enforce and highlight what they can get away with. This apostate form of Christianity is influencing the White House and national policy affecting millions of people. Although the moral state of the country is troubling, biblical law does not work in government operation. The church should be more involved from the bottom up, as in the communities to influence families and not start from the top at the government.

People are given free will to choose how they will live, whether by good of evil. God will judge all according to how they chose to live and not by whether or not they obeyed the laws of the land. “Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” Romans 13:10. Obeying the law by might was his plan in the Old Testament, not in the New. The New Testament offers spiritual support for people to obey the laws of God so they do not have to obey the law by human will alone. 

Contrariwise, “The purpose of Capitol Ministries is to transform public officials in “disciples” who will turn founder Ralph Drollinger’s very conservative interpretation of scripture into public policy, such as his belief that the Bible mandates certain laws to change public lifestyle. ‘And, he writes, public officials have a special obligation to make sure the nation has ‘God-fearing righteous judges,’ not ones who support abortion or “make up rights for the unrighteous.’”

Only God can transform men into His disciples through the Holy Spirit; and only God can change a nation into a righteous nation according to their obedience. Laws and political policies cannot. That nation has to first acknowledge God and understand His will for humanity and sincerely follow after the teachings of Christ and not the Old Testament. As long as they are teaching Old Testament doctrine, the nation will remain marred in confusion, sin, and political division.


Right Wing Watch


MinisterCR A minister, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ for 34 years. Peace and love to all. Stay prayerful.