Woke Centered Doctrine and Sermons

Pastors and theologians who focus their sermons and preaching on the term wokeness have lost their way

Feb 23, 2025 - 16:05
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Woke Centered Doctrine and Sermons


Pastors and theologians who focus their sermons and preaching on the term wokeness have lost their way. Instead of preaching the gospel of Christ, which is salvation and deliverance from the world, they are lecturing on political and cultural issues and suggest worldly solutions when in fact these issues are already addressed in the Bible and comes with biblical solutions, not worldly ones.

Any transgression committed by individuals in the world have a spiritual solution and should be fought with spiritual weapons, not worldly ones such as laws and policies. For instance, Evangelical preachers suggest to their congregations to support laws and politicians who pass legislation that address the sins of homosexuality and abortion, yet they never offer solutions from the bible on these sins.

These type sins need spiritual deliverance from the power of the Holy Spirit. But today’s church leaders have failed in this attempt because they lack the understanding and the power of the spirit, or the faith needed to operate in the power to help people be delivered of these sins. Instead, they rely on laws, which will never actually deliver people from these sins but will only criminalize them.

Included in their lectures and doctrines on wokeness is also DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) programs, CRT (Critical Race Theory), socialism, communism, Marxism, LGBTQ and trans issues. Indebt study of the Word of God will reveal answers and solutions to all of these problems in its context and on a spiritual level. The sad part is, these pastors are actually on the wrong side of righteousness where it pertains to some of these issues.

DEI and CRT are racial issues promoted in the culture for good reason. The reasons are that racial discrimination in this country is standard practice now and, in the past, and were even embedded in the laws of the land at one time. These programs attempt to right the wrongs of the past, not to flip the culture in favor of minorities or to racially oppress the other. 

Socialism and communism are political theories of the world and are not considered spiritual issues from a biblical perspective. Governments are controlled by the prince of the world, yet spiritually monitored by God and will be judge by Him in the end. The devil tempted Jesus and said, “All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Matthew 4:9. This is what today’s church leaders seek, power in the world to make laws.

LGBTQ behavior, same-sex marriage and trans transgressions are personal choices people make that go against nature and those people will answer to God for their sins. They cannot be controlled by worldly authorities by laws seeing they are spiritual sins. However, more forbidden forms of sins spoken of in The Ten Commandments make it plain what transgressions should be outlawed in the world and overcome by the Holy Spirit of God in believers.

Murder, Idolatry, Adultery, stealing, bearing false witnesses, and the rest are sins that have been adopted by world governments to punish people who commit such crimes against God and humanity. Yet, today’s preachers are only focused on certain sins rather than the more prohibited ones plainly enforced by God.

There are no laws against adultery or idolatry but are against stealing and murder. Jesus told the lawmakers of the Old Testament that they, “have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” Matthew 23:23. Selective enforcement of God’s laws is not acceptable to God and those preachers will be judged accordingly. A little leaven leavens the whole lump.

MinisterCR A minister, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ for 34 years. Peace and love to all. Stay prayerful.