The Depths of Evil in white Supremacy Embodies Ancient Sins and Curses

God will renew the strength of His people as we war against the current evils and the depths of white supremacy, which has caused the world much pain.

Oct 1, 2024 - 13:52
Oct 1, 2024 - 15:36
 0  16
The Depths of Evil in white Supremacy Embodies Ancient Sins and Curses

Europe and the United States of America, considered as the West, closely resemble one of the most sinful nations since the beginning of time, Babylon the Great. This theory holds true to this day because the sins and abominations recorded in the book of Revelation of Babylon are of an international transgression. 

The West holds the same wickedness and sinful nature as Babylon did, which God judged in anger in the last days. Comparing the sins and judgment from Revelation then and the sign of the times today, one can easily see the similarities.

Babylon is the last nation to be stricken by God as he comes to judge the nations of the world. In Revelation, Babylon is a spiritual representation of a great nation that has wreaked havoc on the world and caused the nations of the world to defy and sin against God. It was known as a Harlot and spiritual seductress that deceived the kings of the world and made them drunk with the wine of her fornication. The US and Europe embodies the same spirit of the Harlot of Babylon.

“Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” Revelation 17:1, 2.

When reading the judgment against Babylon, you will notice the similarities in the sins committed by both Babylon and the European nation states. They were both nations that had monetary control over the world, exploited the leaders of the nations and their resources, and caused terror in its inhabitants.

Babylon controlled the financial markets, practiced idolatry and sorcery and pushed apostate religions. The West of today does the same, such as its rise in the idolatry of Catholicism and a deceptive and brutal form of Christianity. These false doctrines are contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ and fulfills the scripture of Babylon making war with the Lamb, Rev. 17:14. The scripture says the world leaders will actually hate the whore and attempt to kill her, which relates to the sentiments against Europe and the United States from various nations.

“For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” Verse 17.

God has empowered victim nations to become His retribution against the West, and to come together and plot its downfall. However, too many Western leaders have convinced themselves and their populations that the world loves and envies them, which is why they flock to their borders. This is not true, they come because their lands have been ravished into poverty and war.

The 18th chapter of the book of revelation describes all the sins committed by this world nation and how God will come against them. The theft of other nation’s resources and goods; the captivity and oppression of the souls of men and slaves, and even the persecution of the Apostles and Prophets of God by the apostate teachings of ungodly religious men. By the power of sorcery, deception and lying wonders, it controlled the world through greed, force and the theory of white supremacy when it changed the image of Christ, the Holy prophets, and of the characters of the Bible into Caucasians.

The judgment of God came in one day and destroyed all its glory, power and its wealth. The United States and Europe sits atop the world and claims superiority over the earth and its people. “How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.:” Verses 7, 8.

Europe and the US are targets of other nations who seek revenge against them both because of the theft of their resources, the oppression of their people and the wars against their countries. There will be a day when these two countries will burn with fire as the world watches its judgment of God upon this great whore.

The sins of these countries started long ago when they went out throughout the world to conquer lands and peoples, to steal and gather their riches unto themselves for the sake of taking care of their own people and oppressing all other peoples of the world. Their sins have led to world wars, massacres of millions of people, the enslavement of stolen men and women, and the manipulation of world markets, resources, and wealth.

The sin of racial superiority was invented by the western nations of Europe and the United States to establish a dominant stand over nations of color and to justify their violence against indigenous peoples. Even though they are only 5 percent of the world’s population, they erased the history of many nations, stole their artifacts and culture and their resources and claimed them as their own and turned around and sold some back to their victims placing many nations under their debt.

Other sins that accompany their conquest of the world include violence and the murder of millions through world wars, rape, thievery, oppression, slavery, lying, usury, (interest), adultery, fornication, drunkenness, idolatry, sorcery, divination through rebellion and deceit, and many other transgressions that have spread misery and depression among the peoples of the world.

They changed the word of God to fit their world agenda and distorted the truth and called it missionary work. They made laws and false treaties to keep other nations subjugate, poor, and weak against their rule. In the United States their sins ran deeper as they enslaved Africans for hundreds of years through violence, rape, torture, hate laws and terrorism of Black families, men, women and children. Yes, slavery is an ancient institution and many nations have used it, but slavery in the United States was brutal and often inhumane.

In addition, they murdered millions of native Americans over those same hundreds of years and pushed further onto the south American continent, disrupting their countries and colonizing them under their rule of imperialism. They politically placed sanctions and embargoes on countries so they could not thrive, develop and advance into modern societies, or even feed their people.

Even after slavery was outlawed in the US, they made laws and ordinances to subjugate Blacks to second class citizenship, terrorized them by lynching, imprisoning, and dismantling their families. They pushed drugs and disease into their communities, deprived them of jobs and educational opportunities so the Black community would stay in poverty and under their control. 

They pushed native Americans onto enclosed camps and reservations and took their children from them, placing them into boarding schools to indoctrinate and strip them of their language, culture and heritage. Then they went overseas and disrupted Islamic countries by overthrowing their politics and forcing Democracy and a change of culture on them. They robbed African nations and started civil wars by selling them weapons and introducing conflict and divisions among the nations and tribes, while at the same time exploiting their people to work in mines for diamonds and other earthly rich minerals; and they continue to this day.

Then they went further into the ocean lands and took islands in the Pacific; Australia, New Zealand and others by committing genocide against their people also. They stole their lands and resources and placed them in second class citizenship. They did all this over the world with the threat of war and violence and sometimes through financial deception by making deals and breaking treaties.

As a result of these sins and abominations against God, the Lord has judged this nation for centuries with death, infighting and plagues yet they will not repent of their sins. The result will be the final destruction of this country in one hour as was of Babylon in Revelation. It will come suddenly. The curses and plagues upon the West are great yet they cannot see how they are cursed and still believe they are prosperous, powerful, and intellectually superior to others.

However, the curses are not just physical, but becoming more deeply psychological and spiritual, such as a generation of homosexuality as men and women live against nature. They have been turned over to reprobate minds because they refuse to believe the truth about God and refuse to repent of their sins. “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” Romans 1:28.

The curse of death is widespread in the US as people commit suicide more often, overdose on drugs, randomly kill each other in public places for menial disagreements, children killing their parents and parents killing their children. Women kill their children before they are born, a method of death invented by the maniacal minds of evil men. Diseases, uncured illnesses put in place by the medical field; the death penalty, constant military warmongering and exploitation of workers’ wages by politicians and the wealthy, along with mass shootings happening around the country every day. This country is cursed with a spirit of death.

All this death and destruction of other nations of innocent people will be returned to the fate of the United States and Europe by God in His judgment against them, which is coming soon. There are also other nations that have committed grave sins against God and humanity and they too will be judged as they have in the past. God says, “if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14.

The United States has not repented of their sins against humanity and shrug it off as just another day as business in the power structure of white supremacy. They are consumed with exalting their image as superior and better than other humans based on skin color, but this false image of themselves have caused them much pain and hurt to their own demise. To this day, young white kids shout hate against other kids of color. Mobs of white men march in the streets carrying guns as an intimidation tactic against people of color. And the recent 45th president is calling for terrorism against immigrants from other countries. This will not go unpunished.

The justice system, the educational system and all other systemic institutions in the United States and Europe are based in the mindset of white supremacy as they continue to design and write laws that favor people of the white persuasion and oppress people of color. They do it intentionally and arrogantly without a conscience.

The religious leaders of Europe and the US have not given God the honor He deserves as they continue to claim the throne of righteousness here on earth through fake religions, idols, and false doctrines. They ignore the commandments of Jesus Christ and follow after their own righteousness which is based on what they believe empowers their idea of supremacy under the white man’s rule. They believe prosperity is godly and helping people means tough love, which is no love at all but disciplinary actions against their lifestyles.

They use scriptures from the Old Testament and ignore the teachings of the New. The have went as far as to change the wording of the bible and replaced it with words of their own choosing, which is considered an abomination to God and adds to their curse. 

“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation 22:18, 19.

Prayers need to go up for the people of the Lord and His children who trust and believe in righteousness and truth. As the time nears to the end, evil will increase and the love of many shall wax cold. But God will renew the strength of His people as we war against the current evils and the depths of white supremacy, which has caused the world much pain.

MinisterCR A minister, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ for 34 years. Peace and love to all. Stay prayerful.