Saturday, July 27, 2024

Race Identity in Career Choice is Not a Problem in Any Country but the US

The DEI narrative distributed by bigoted white America testifies to their bias against minorities in this country. They claim that people of color are unqualified for certain jobs and historically prefer white professionals over Black ones. This is an insult to the rest of...


Race Identity in Career Choice is Not a Problem in Any Country but the US

The DEI narrative distributed by bigoted white America testifies to their bias against minorities in this country. They claim that people of color are...

The X Platform: A Cyber Bully for the Wealthy

The X platform, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, has been transformed into a stronghold of grievances and rants of socially inept white guys devoid...

The Fear and Hate Toward Other Cultures is Ungodly

The hate and fear of non-white cultures comes mainly from European countries. First of all, there would be no immigration to these white countries...

Why Are Food Manufacturers Poisoning Us?

Every time we turn around, there is a report that certain foods contain harmful and deadly chemicals that make us sick with diseases and...

Staged Or Not, God Has the Religious Right Cornered

Most people who escape a near death experience have – if only for a brief second – a moment of clarity and reflect on...

The Democratic Party Weaknesses: Establishment Dinos

Aside from the fact that most of the Democrat leaders have no spines yet are now calling for the removal of Biden from the...

The Intersection of Law and Literature: Analyzing Book Bans and Abuse of Power

Threatening to imprison a librarian for issuing a book - they did not write - to a child, is a blatant abuse of power....

The News Media is Intensifying Racism, Fear, Political Division and War

Paid for by the wealthy behind their agenda to create a world of hopelessness and desperation, corporate media has gone to the extreme to...

Obama Being Blamed for America’s Racism is Delusional

It is amazing the level of cognitive dissonance embedded in the minds of some whites. Some actually believe that Obama widened the racial divide...

The Souls on the Supreme Court are Perpetually Lost

Fret not the decisions of the Supreme Court. These people have lost focus on reality. The majority believes a society can be run by a distorted form of religious written law and false...

America’s System of things have become a Complete Joke

Once you get pass the fear-induced headlines and cable news illusions, the authoritarian threats of social oppression and the antics of alternative reality television, you can clearly see the buffoonery of what America...

This Is Not Student Debt Forgiveness, It’s a Repayment Plan

Debt forgiveness means deleting all debt, not what is left over after multiple years of payments. There might was well have been no debt relief plan at all. Politicians have no respect for people’s critical...

The Wealthy Have Lied, Cheated and Stole to Maintain Power

The United States is a true Oligarchy and has been for over 50 years. Republicans have lost nearly every election to the popular vote of the people from GW Bush up to the 2020 election...

The AP’s series on Black Health Strengthens America’s Propaganda of Discrimination

Taking a page out of the New York Times Black degradation series published every six months in their national newspaper, the Associated Press is working on perfecting their own series that undermines Black life in...

A Spiritual Energy Higher Than Politics is at Work: Choose Your Side

People dispute the existence of God and mock the concept of religion and Christianity altogether. But if you cannot see what is happening in this country and how the forces of good are...

Wave of lawsuits against US gun makers raises hope of end to mass shootings

As America’s gun crisis shows no sign of abating, there is some hope for reducing the number of mass shootings and killings. The emerging wave of lawsuits against gun makers echoes previous successes...

Race Identity in Career Choice is Not a Problem in Any Country but the US

The DEI narrative distributed by bigoted white America testifies to their bias against minorities in this country. They claim that people of color are unqualified for certain jobs and historically prefer white professionals over Black ones. This is an insult to the rest of the cultures of the world who function perfectly fine without whites. There are pilots, doctors, engineers, and careers that require high levels of knowledge and intellect, and in some cases, they are more advanced than in the US, yet the only place in the world people of different cultures is not recognized as professionals is the US. That is because this is the only country in...

The Remote Work Wars: Workers Versus Management

Endless reports reveal how corporate CEOs and major companies are fighting to get workers back into the office. If the pandemic had any profound...

Check out other categories:

Central Bank Digital Currency: Assessing the Risks and Dispelling the Myths

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) threaten Americans’ core freedoms—a cost that far outweighs the purported benefits that proponents promise. Still, government officials, central bankers, and private consultants have flocked to CBDCs in recent years. What...

Race Identity in Career Choice is Not a Problem in Any Country but the US

The DEI narrative distributed by bigoted white America testifies to their bias against minorities in this country. They claim that people of color are unqualified for certain jobs and historically prefer white professionals...

The X Platform: A Cyber Bully for the Wealthy

The X platform, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, has been transformed into a stronghold of grievances and rants of socially inept white guys devoid of intellect and dislodged from reality. They constantly post...

The Welfare Argument is Getting Old: What About the Poor?

The old conservative narrative about welfare mothers and free handouts is getting so old it is nothing more than a confession to not caring about the poor. The days of welfare checks and...

Who Gives $20 Million to a Wannabe Dictator?

It is interesting that there are people who live among us in these United States that would spend millions...



The X Platform: A Cyber Bully for the Wealthy

The X platform, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, has been transformed into a stronghold of grievances and rants of socially inept white guys devoid...

The Fear and Hate Toward Other Cultures is Ungodly

The hate and fear of non-white cultures comes mainly from European countries. First of all, there would be no immigration to these white countries...

Why Are Food Manufacturers Poisoning Us?

Every time we turn around, there is a report that certain foods contain harmful and deadly chemicals that make us sick with diseases and...

Staged Or Not, God Has the Religious Right Cornered

Most people who escape a near death experience have – if only for a brief second – a moment of clarity and reflect on...


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