The Foolishness in the Idea of a Christian Nation
There are fears among people of this country who believe the far-right are planning to takeover the nation and turn it into an autocracy, a Christian ethno-state using a form of Christian Nationalism. Trust the following words; it will never happen.

There are fears among people of this country who believe the far-right are planning to takeover the nation and turn it into an autocracy, a Christian ethno-state using a form of Christian Nationalism. Trust the following words; it will never happen.
The religious leaders of this country cannot even agree on a central denomination let alone a country run by bible principles. There are Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Pentecostal, and every other of the 200 + denominations currently in the country, and none are even close to what God wills for the world.
A serious student of the Holy Bible and one who knows God and His will for humanity, can conclude just by reading and comprehending the ministry of Jesus Christ that He was not here to control the government; He was here to bring individual souls out of sin and to salvation. Regardless of nationality, race, or creed, the people of God and His Kingdom are not run by government laws, but by the direction of the Holy Spirit and God’s will of righteousness, as one collective body of people.
The sermon on the mount (and the Ten Commandments) was to teach the people that sins against Him and others (neighbors and strangers) are forbidden; such as murder, theft, lying on others, adultery (which religious leaders selfishly leave out), even disrespect of parents, were all transgressions toward others. And these are “some of” the biblical laws the governments of the world have chosen to prosecute. But sins against the self are ones that only God can heal and deliver from; such as homosexuality, drunkenness, drug use, the consequences of sexual promiscuity and other lust and sins of the flesh.
The foolishness of men who believe they can control the individual sins of an entire nation based on their own misinterpreted, stipulated definitions of God’s will and law for humanity is itself a transgression toward God, seeing they have taken it upon themselves to do His job. These men have a form of godliness but deny the power and lack the wisdom of God. They are authoritarian in nature, and not righteous men of God. They are lustful, covetous and reprobate in mind; believing that what they do is God’s will. Such is the same who crucified Jesus.
Religious leaders of America seek to change laws of the land to reflect what they think God wants, but God never said he was here to control the world, but to save the world. “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” St. John 3:17. Literally the verse right after the most famous verse of America. John 3:16: “For God so loved the world”…
Attempting to regulate abortion and homosexuality by rule of law is not God’s will. He is here to deliver people – individually - who commit such sins and bring them to salvation, not imprison them or execute the death sentence against them. These men are extremely foolish in their thinking and so-called Christian behavior.
So, fear not the ignorance of these men. All anyone needs to protect against such fear and threat is to know the Word of God and its truth. Individual sins are to be brought before God for healing and deliverance, not before a court of the land by judges appointed by ignorant men and demagogues.