There is truly a war between the wealthy and the working-class family. Out of sheer spite, corporations and establishments that hold the keys to success in this country are gouging the hell out of people, just because they can.

They are not regulated by government law because they lobby politicians and the courts to pass laws that allow them to gouge, and by basically threatening politicians to vote for the policies that will enrich them and drain the public.

Government lawmakers and courts have bowed to the demands of corporate lobbyist, taking bribes and gifts under the table and have wreaked havoc on the middle class. This has got to stop or else no one will be able to afford to live a basic life, let alone a financially comfortable one. Poverty will increase and sickness and crime will explode in future generations.

In an article entitled “7 Things the Middle Class Won’t Be Able To Afford in the Next 5 Years,” Alyssa Huff, real estate expert, detailed a list of services needed to succeed in this country and warned that these services costs will only increase. They include housing, education tuition, medical cost, new cars, safe investments and the ability to save for retirement, and extended family trips and the ease to retire comfortably. “Rising housing costs, tuition fees, healthcare expenses, and inflation could make life tougher for middle-class families in the next five years.”

It is sad that this person is warning working people of a higher cost of living and not advocating on their behalf against the corporations and establishments that continue to raise the cost of living without regard for working people’s ability to afford them. “As someone who cares deeply about financial well-being,” Huff said, “I urge the middle class to start planning wisely now to weather these potential storms and keep their dreams within reach.”


This statement should be the other way around, such as, “I urge corporations to stop gouging the public or else there will be no one to purchase their goods and services but a small class of other wealthy people.” This makes for a dystopian style nation where the majority of the public lives in poverty.

People say the rich hate the poor and it seems this may be the case because they are relentlessly making life harder for people who work. People trying to raise children so their children can have it easier than they had it, but as the generations grow, each generation has faced more difficult financial problems than the one before. With mounting debt and a pay check away from homelessness.

This is a hateful country without mercy. They encourage people to work and take care of themselves but make the effort almost impossible to sustain. The narrative must change toward supporting the working family and making laws to restrain the wealthy from gouging the people. We can no longer afford this life under the greed and political power of the rich.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
