
Pro Liberation’s Sanity Podcast Stream offers a diverse choice of audio streams. Choose the commentary playlist or one of the musical playlists offered below. More audio choices coming in the future, so return soon.

  • Welcome - Sanity Podcast

  • Pro Liberation - Race Identity in Career Choice

  • Ethno Press - Black Folks Are Not Stupid, Except the Ones Desperate for white Approval

  • Pro Liberation - The Fear and Hate Toward Other Cultures is Ungodly

  • Pro Liberation - The X Platform A Cyber Bully for the Wealthy

  • Pro Liberation - Lost Credibility: Holding Politicians, the Media, and Corporations Accountable

  • Pro LIberation - Why white People Today Are Responsible for Slavery

  • Pro Liberation - Democracy Never Has to End

  • Ethno Press - It’s About to Get Real

  • Pro Liberation - White America’s Inaction on Race Hatred

  • Pro LIberation - Is Generational Racism and Indoctrination a Form of Child Abuse?

  • Pro Liberation - Killing People for no Reason Has More Public Support

  • Pro Liberation - The Substance of MAGA Include Three Types of People

  • Ethno Press - Keep the State Out of Your Business

  • Ethno Press - Where Was God During American Slavery?

  • Pro Liberation - We Were Lied to About Objectivity on the Supreme Court

  • Pro Liberation - Texas Party of Christianity Uses Punishment and Death as Political Solutions

  • Pro Liberation - Unmasking The Major Players in a Dictatorship

  • Gospel Times - The Holy Ghost Heals Mentally, Emotionally, and Physically

  • Ethno Press - Generational Parenting in the Black Community

  • Ethno Press - Police Racial Murder Patrols are in Full Effect

  • Liberation - Meet Those Who Will Take the Mark of the Beast

  • Pro LIberation - Flat-Earthers, Sage Burners, and Universe Worshipers All Idolatry

  • Ethno Press - They Say, If We Stop Talking About Racism, It Will Go Away

  • Pro Liberation - Forty Years of Fiscal Conservative Hell

  • Pro Liberation - Cocky, Right-wing Masculinity is Mobilizing Weak Men

  • Ethno Press - Assimilation Gone Wrong

  • Ethno Press - A Warning to Black Sell-Outs

  • Liberation - The Criminalization of Children

  • Liberation - A Society Thirsty for a Dictator

  • Liberation - A Breakdown of the Resistance to D E I Policies CRT

  • Ethno Press - Upholding the Moral High Ground Over American Racism

  • Ethno Press - News Media Using white Privilege and Propaganda to Sucker Black and Hispanic Voters

  • Ethno Press - I’m Sorry white Person, Did You Say Something?

  • Pro Liberation - The Fence Around the Apple Tree

  • Pro Liberation - The Myth of Personal Responsibility

  • Pro Liberation - A Christian Nation Bought Slaves from African Kings: Somebody Lying

  • Ethno Press - Black America Must Rethink Military Enlistment

  • Pro LIberation - Proof That God Does Not Allow Suffering and Hunger, Man Does

  • Pro Liberation - Afromerica Ethno Press Promo

  • Pro Liberation - The Immigration of Europeans into the World

  • Pro Liberation - The Thing About Love and Marriage

  • Liberation - Billionaire On Capitalist Steroids

  • Pro LIberation - Concepts and Goods

  • Liberation - MAGA Bullies, Menaces, and the Threats Against Social Order

  • Liberation - Christian Nationalism is Rooted in Hate

  • Liberation - Pro Liberation and Foundation Gospel

  • Liberation - The Lies Fed to the World of White Seclusion

  • The Gospel - The Great Falling Away

  • Pro Liberation - Debt Forgiveness is Biblical

  • Pro Liberation - Hispanics, Muslims, and the GOP

  • Pro Liberation - People Who Refuse to Pay Taxes, Should Leave the Country

  • Liberation - Streamer and Visuals

  • Pro Liberation - A Promise to white Men

  • Liberation Commentary - Either Free Market Capitalism Controls the Economy</p