Friday, July 26, 2024


Why Are Food Manufacturers Poisoning Us?

Every time we turn around, there is a report that certain foods contain harmful and deadly chemicals that make us sick with diseases and ailments. It has become so...

Why white People Today Are Responsible for Slavery

When the topic of slavery or reparations are brought up, whites usually claim they had nothing to do with what their ancestors did so they can escape responsibility for...

The Cost of Living is Based on Who is President: Always Has Been

Stop believing the lie that the economy is governed only by supply and demand. That is a small portion of how things work. The economy is controlled by the...

The Erosion of Trust Between Institutions and the Public

From the urban teen walking into a retail store to a retired grandmother behind...

The Story of Jay-Z and Beyonce’s New Home is an Abomination to Humanity

According to one of the most celebrity-rotting reporting magazines, TMZ, Jay-Z and Beyonce have...

The Business of Human Bondage in Corporate America

The United States and its corporate class have reverted back to the physical bondage...

What Is Debt Consolidation and How to Do It

Managing debt can be a difficult task, particularly if it has a high interest...

Forty Years of Fiscal Conservative Hell and Now Personal Freedoms at Stake

People need to awaken to the reality that the United States is politically run...

The Skills-Based Workforce: Score One for the People Over Capitalism

In a twist of economic fate, more employers are turning to skills-based applicants instead...

So What Happens When Unemployment Reaches 50% Because of AI?

Corporations and business owners are turning to AI to cut cost of operations, which...

Race as a Marketing Tool: How Desperate Corporations Win Consumers

In this age of hyper-consumerism and Demographic marketing, sometimes businesses and celebrities find themselves...

Who Gives $20 Million to a Wannabe Dictator?

It is interesting that there are people who live among us in these United...


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