Thursday, November 7, 2024


Who Controls the United States: The Wealthy or the People?

The wealth gap, the two-tiered justice system, corporate profit or the worker; are contrasting issues that face this country on a massive scale. Either this is a true Democracy...

Smaller Government Means Protecting Corporations Instead of Consumers

When politicians, specifically conservatives and libertarians, talk about what the country needs is “smaller, limited or less government," what they mean is to reduce regulations against businesses, but not...

The Longest-Running Media Lie: Attaching the Economy to Presidents

In a thinly veiled mind trick, the media manipulates the brains of the people year after year, election after election, by attaching the economy to the current president, knowing...

Consumer Protections Against Price Gouging – eBook

DOWNLOAD EBOOK HERE In times of crisis, such as natural disasters, pandemics, or unexpected economic turmoil, the phenomenon of price gouging often comes to the forefront of public discourse. Price...

US Citizens; Latest Recipients in the US International Gun-Running Racket

The United States is known around the world as the leader in weapon’s sales. Their international gun running racket has kept different nations up to date in the war...

Corporate Criticism of Gen-Z Reveals Corporate Ignorance and Arrogance

This story is too egregious to even think about. It is a blatant sign that corporations are no more responsible than the generation they are bashing. This is shameful...

No One Should Have to Work Two Jobs: The Illegal Economy

Why has the economy gone from the head of household working one job and supporting the family to two people working multiple jobs to do the same? Or single...

More Reads

The Skills-Based Workforce: Score One for the People Over Capitalism

In a twist of economic fate, more employers are turning to skills-based applicants instead...

How the Sports Industry has Lullabied Millions to Sleep

Politicians have gotten wise to the corporate game of diverting the public’s attention using...

How Voters Are Suckered Every 4 Years to Vote Against Their Own Interest

Voters are not voting for a president per se, some guy chosen to lead...

The Republican Party Should Never Hold Power Again

Not to say that the Democrats are any better, but this generation of the...

US Oil Policies Will Weaken as the World Moves to Alternative Sources of Energy

The oil barons of the United States recruit puppet politicians to maintain a strategic...

Apparently, Laws Against Redlining Failed: It’s Been 50 Years

Laws against discrimination in housing lending is being revisited by bank regulators once again...

Civic Economic Theory: An Alternative to Capitalism and Socialism

The concept of a thriving society is for everyone to have shared access to...

Care for the Rich at the Expense of the Elderly and Working Class

Republican politicians and lawmakers have for decades claimed that social security and Medicare, savings...

Proof That God Does Not Allow Suffering and Hunger, Man Does

For all those who blame poverty and sufferings of humanity on God as an...

The Story of Jay-Z and Beyonce’s New Home is an Abomination to Humanity

According to one of the most celebrity-rotting reporting magazines, TMZ, Jay-Z and Beyonce have...

Hackers have found a sneaky new way to spy on your iPhone

One of the many reasons people decide to go with one of the best iPhones over...

Why is Technology Outpacing Energy and Medical Science?

At every turn of the corner, technology is advancing in 6-month intervals. New iPhones,...


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