Wednesday, February 19, 2025


How to Fight Back: Blueprints for a New Nation

The hostile takeover of the country can be taken back using unconventional strategies against the tyrannical forces the people face. And one thing is for sure, we do not...

Race, Gender, Age, Etc., Must be Taken Off All Applications, or Boycotted

Unless race and other identities are taken off all applications for jobs, housing, insurance, credit or other, then the removal of DEI has no backbone. It is simply continued...

Watching white Men Destroy Their Exceptional Country

It is amazing to watch white men tear down what they were so proud to brag about; the foundation of freedom, sovereignty, and liberty built by their forefathers from...

Key American Priorities Are Overlooked: Replaced with Greed and Racism

Time and again when the people are asked what issues are most concerning to them, they answer the same year after year; election cycle after another. But are those...

Capitalist Healthcare Proven Less Effective Than Socialized Healthcare

US politicians, in defense of capitalist healthcare providers, stand firm against what they call “socialized healthcare,” simply because they fear losing profits, and they make many excuses that sound...

Unless MAGA Wakes Up, the US is Doomed to a Future of Feudalism

The people of the United States have been betrayed by their political leaders on both sides; the Democrats and the Republicans. The Republicans follow an agenda set forth by...

China is Kicking US Butt in Infrastructure, Technology Investment and Advancement

While the US Oligarchy government is bickering over culture wars; racism, fascism, immigrants, drag queens, and abortion laws, China is steaming ahead in what matters in life to a...

More Reads

Corporate Windfall Profits Surge to $1 Trillion a Year as Working People Suffer

An analysis released Thursday shows that 722 of the world's top corporations made combined...

The People Want Solutions Now Dammit, Not Political Theater


The Relentless Beatdown of the Working Class

There is truly a war between the wealthy and the working-class family. Out of...

No One Should Have to Work Two Jobs: The Illegal Economy

Why has the economy gone from the head of household working one job and...

Care for the Rich at the Expense of the Elderly and Working Class

Republican politicians and lawmakers have for decades claimed that social security and Medicare, savings...

Race as a Marketing Tool: How Desperate Corporations Win Consumers

In this age of hyper-consumerism and Demographic marketing, sometimes businesses and celebrities find themselves...

The Strong Arm of US World Power Has Weakened

No longer does the US have the same dominance and influence on world affairs...

Apartment Rental and Home Ownership Turned Wall Street Racket

Government reluctance to regulate Wall Street is causing a crisis in housing. Investors are...

Credit is Designed to Increase Debt Peonage

Not only is the concept of credit a corporate scam inflicted on the working...

Conservatives Oppose Lowering Credit Card Late Fees

Why people vote for politicians that continue to crush the working class is not...

The Remote Work Wars: Workers Versus Management

Endless reports reveal how corporate CEOs and major companies are fighting to get workers...

Capitalist Healthcare Proven Less Effective Than Socialized Healthcare

US politicians, in defense of capitalist healthcare providers, stand firm against what they call...


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