Tuesday, September 10, 2024


A National Work Stoppage Is Needed: Fighting Back Against Corporate Greed

Teachers, drivers and warehouse workers, service workers, nurses and now hotel workers, have confronted corporations about poor working conditions and low and stagnant wages over the past few years...

Reading Is Fundamental; but the Poorly Educated Get Lost

Reading comprehension is vital in today’s information portal of the Internet, but many people are getting lost and sidetracked in misinformation because they lack reading, research skills and comprehension....

The Black Male Vote this Election, Any Election

The lies are constantly spreading and disillusion is high among MAGA voters as they attempt to persuade onlookers that Black men are rushing to the MAGA camp. This is...

The AP’s series on Black Health Strengthens America’s Propaganda of Discrimination

Taking a page out of the New York Times Black degradation series published every...

It All Comes Down to the Power to Make Them Suffer

Multiple political analyst and social media pundits describe the retaliation of Israel against Hamas...

Carrying A Gun is Not Exercising Freedom, It’s Just Reckless Living

To equate the ability to carry around a gun unfettered, to the concept of...

A Society Thirsty for a Dictator is Thirsty for Persecution

It is hard to understand why people in this society are asking for a...

Logical and Humane Solutions to Border Issues and Immigration

The United States is not the only country dealing with mass, illegal immigration. Many...

A Legacy of Learned Racism: A Children’s Books Series on Christian Nationalism

The divine irony behind the rise of Christian nationalism is that the culture wars...

Old Fashion Will Always Beat the Changing Times

No matter how many text messages and emails are sent between a new couple...

American Racism is a Badge of Honor Worn by the Bottom of Humanity

Racism is a mixture of fear (of the other), hate, and ignorance of the...

The Riverfront Brawl Was Not Amusing; It is the Strategy of the Wealthy

Too many mainstream news outlets are analyzing the Alabama riverfront brawl as broken race...


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