Friday, July 26, 2024


The Fear and Hate Toward Other Cultures is Ungodly

The hate and fear of non-white cultures comes mainly from European countries. First of all, there would be no immigration to these white countries if the said white countries...

Willful Ignorance Diminishes Understanding

There is such a thing as self-destruction on a mental and spiritual level. We often think of drug use, alcoholism, or other physical substances that kill the brain cells...

Agonizing Pleasure: Watching a Promising Country Fall to Pieces

The United States has its problems like any other young and growing country. Despite its utopian promise of a land of immigrants and a culturally diverse melting pot, some...

The Psychological War against White Supremacy

To understand the current war Black America and other people of color are fighting...

Logical and Humane Solutions to Border Issues and Immigration

The United States is not the only country dealing with mass, illegal immigration. Many...

Willful Ignorance Diminishes Understanding

There is such a thing as self-destruction on a mental and spiritual level. We...

To the Five-Year-Old Republican Voters: Social Security and Medicare is Not Free Money

Social Security and Medicare are benefits that people get after they have worked all...

The Crises of Homelessness: Political Leadership Create Problems They Cannot Solve

People are homeless for more reasons today than in the past; and the reasons...

The Lies Fed to the World of White Seclusion

In a moment of serious contemplation, people of color can have a better understanding...

The AP’s series on Black Health Strengthens America’s Propaganda of Discrimination

Taking a page out of the New York Times Black degradation series published every...

The Fear of Diversity and the Elimination of Black History

The argument from the far right is that diversity training in corporations, schools, and...

The Riverfront Brawl Was Not Amusing; It is the Strategy of the Wealthy

Too many mainstream news outlets are analyzing the Alabama riverfront brawl as broken race...


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