Saturday, July 27, 2024

Under The Sun

Race Identity in Career Choice is Not a Problem in Any Country but the US

The DEI narrative distributed by bigoted white America testifies to their bias against minorities in this country. They claim that people of color are unqualified for certain jobs and...

Democracy Never Has to End

No one should have to live in fear of a dictator regime with hundreds of thousands of violent, angry, self-appointed vigilantes bullying a majority of the people and making...

Is Generational Racism and Indoctrination a Form of Child Abuse?

Lawmakers are proposing laws that suggest raising a child in an alternative lifestyle and family, is a form of child abuse and endangerment. They say that “grooming” kids for...

The Fence Around the Apple Tree

Who decided that building a fence around an apple tree was the idea way...

Rural America Vs. Urban Dwellers Vs. Coastal Elites

Among the race and class divide in America, there is a geographical divide that...

The Business of Human Bondage in Corporate America

The United States and its corporate class have reverted back to the physical bondage...

The NYC Migrant Crisis Grew Out of the Failed US Overthrow of Venezuela

As a reminder to those with extremely short memories and who are politically misinformed,...

Is Generational Racism and Indoctrination a Form of Child Abuse?

Lawmakers are proposing laws that suggest raising a child in an alternative lifestyle and...

Wars And Rumors of Wars: The Weapons Manufacture’s Dream

Aside from nations rising against other nations, there are currently over 20 Civil wars...

A Spiritual Energy Higher Than Politics is at Work: Choose Your Side

People dispute the existence of God and mock the concept of religion and Christianity...

Race Identity in Career Choice is Not a Problem in Any Country but the US

The DEI narrative distributed by bigoted white America testifies to their bias against minorities...

The Business of Making and Maintaining Criminals

There is a common philosophy among society that if a person has committed a...


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