Saturday, July 27, 2024


Race Identity in Career Choice is Not a Problem in Any Country but the US

The DEI narrative distributed by bigoted white America testifies to their bias against minorities in this country. They claim that people of color are unqualified for certain jobs and...

The Fear and Hate Toward Other Cultures is Ungodly

The hate and fear of non-white cultures comes mainly from European countries. First of all, there would be no immigration to these white countries if the said white countries...

Agonizing Pleasure: Watching a Promising Country Fall to Pieces

The United States has its problems like any other young and growing country. Despite its utopian promise of a land of immigrants and a culturally diverse melting pot, some...

The Lack of Mercy and Humanity in Society

Two news stories headlined this year show society’s blaring lack of humanity. One comes...

A Nation Defiant of World Law Does Not Seek World Peace: The US Proxy War in Gaza

The conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Gaza was initially brokered and...

Why Is man’s Answer to Violence, More Violence?

Under the claim of self-defense, men in today’s society have taken a stance on...

What Israel is Doing in Gaza is Overkill, and US Support is Sacrilegious

Let us pretend for a moment that the people in Israel are real Israelites,...

Agonizing Pleasure: Watching a Promising Country Fall to Pieces

The United States has its problems like any other young and growing country. Despite...

It All Comes Down to the Power to Make Them Suffer

Multiple political analyst and social media pundits describe the retaliation of Israel against Hamas...

Logical and Humane Solutions to Border Issues and Immigration

The United States is not the only country dealing with mass, illegal immigration. Many...

The world’s most powerful militaries in 2023, ranked

This list needs a reality check. Global Firepower's 2023 Military Strength Ranking lists 145...

Wealth, and the Disconnect from Humanity

What happens to people’s minds when they reach a certain level of wealth? They...


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