Saturday, July 27, 2024


Why Are Food Manufacturers Poisoning Us?

Every time we turn around, there is a report that certain foods contain harmful and deadly chemicals that make us sick with diseases and ailments. It has become so...

Staged Or Not, God Has the Religious Right Cornered

Most people who escape a near death experience have – if only for a brief second – a moment of clarity and reflect on their life choices; who they...

The Democratic Party Weaknesses: Establishment Dinos

Aside from the fact that most of the Democrat leaders have no spines yet are now calling for the removal of Biden from the presidential race, none of the...

The NYC Migrant Crisis Grew Out of the Failed US Overthrow of Venezuela

As a reminder to those with extremely short memories and who are politically misinformed,...

The Cowards Behind America’s Gun Culture

America's obsession with guns has increased in the last 20 years. From citizen gun...

Texas Party of Christianity Uses Punishment and Death as Political Solutions

The political party professing Christian beliefs are making laws that punish people who violate...

When Drawing Racial Lines Become a Patriotic, Political and Religious Problem

Since the rise of the 45th president, racism, including antisemitism, has exploded in the...

Of Course, AI is Racist Because It’s Creator is Racist

Artificial Intelligence (AI) models of ChatGTP and Google’s bard is the newest technology being...

Fear of Blackness Influences US Courts

Videos of white teachers and coaches cutting the hair of a Black child is...

Media Headlines Wish Death On Minorities when Tragedy Strikes the U.S.

America will never learn the phenomena of Karma or divine retribution. When they wish...

Wake Up to the Medicare Advantage Plan Scam

A generation of people will not know the true benefits of Medicare and its...

Antibiotic Resistance Poses Existential Threat

Building the immune system as a daily routine is important to the health of...


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