Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Media Sabotage for Ratings, and Regret to Follow

The American media is so predictable that it is easy to see they are thirsty for another hyped-up horse race to the presidency. This is because since the mid-2000s...

One Last Time: The U.S. Does Not Value Life, and Never Has

The US has acquired a reputation as a nation that is quick to commit murder on a massive scale, and that identifying trait has trickled down to individual citizens...

The Venezuelan Gang Takeover in Aurora Colorado Story: All Fearmongering Lies

First of all, the story of a Venezuelan gang takeover of an Aurora apartment complex story is false and based on fearmongering; fake news, and an attempt of conservatives...

A Nation Defiant of World Law Does Not Seek World Peace: The US Proxy War in Gaza

The conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Gaza was initially brokered and...

All About Resentment, Not Stats on Colin Kaepernick

In a recent article spun by “The Spun,” “A source close to the Daily...

Media Sabotage for Ratings, and Regret to Follow

The American media is so predictable that it is easy to see they are...

The Intersection of Law and Literature: Analyzing Book Bans and Abuse of Power

Threatening to imprison a librarian for issuing a book - they did not write...

The Media and MAGA are Pushing Hard Core Lies About Venezuela

All the social media post and mainstream headlines about Venezuela are misinformation and lies...

Of Course, AI is Racist Because It’s Creator is Racist

Artificial Intelligence (AI) models of ChatGTP and Google’s bard is the newest technology being...

Why white People Today Are Responsible for Slavery

When the topic of slavery or reparations are brought up, whites usually claim they...

Obama Being Blamed for America’s Racism is Delusional

It is amazing the level of cognitive dissonance embedded in the minds of some...

They Harassed Ruby Freeman Using a Pastor, a Black Activist, and a Celebrity Connection

More power to the sisters Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss who used...


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