Saturday, July 27, 2024


The Republican Party Should Never Hold Power Again

Not to say that the Democrats are any better, but this generation of the Republican Party are the most intellectually misguided, crooked and power-hungry people on this God’s earth...

A Spiritual Energy Higher Than Politics is at Work: Choose Your Side

People dispute the existence of God and mock the concept of religion and Christianity altogether. But if you cannot see what is happening in this country and how the...

Two Different Prayers, One Answer: The Final Fall of America

No need to go to the Bible for past prophesy, citizens of the US can see for themselves that the political foundation of the United States is in danger....

A Spiritual Energy Higher Than Politics is at Work: Choose Your Side

People dispute the existence of God and mock the concept of religion and Christianity...

The U.S. Face of Christian Nationalism is Rooted in Hate: Point Blank

Remember, more than 80% of Christians voted for Trump. Evangelical church leaders and pew...

When Drawing Racial Lines Become a Patriotic, Political and Religious Problem

Since the rise of the 45th president, racism, including antisemitism, has exploded in the...

Men Are Ultimately Responsible for Birth Control: Socially and Biblically

The moral and spiritual implications of birth control have long been debated. Some argue...

The Back-Slidden State of American Evangelicalism

The current state of Christianity in America, led by evangelicals and mainstream politicians, continue...

The Christian Nationalist Agenda on Homelessness

Christian nationalist and false prophets who want to take over the country and turn...

The Order of the New World is Forming

For those who believe in the theory of the New World Order, which is...

How God is Reshaping America: The Big Picture

To avoid religious overtones and to rationalize with the unbeliever, we will take the...

More Evangelical Hypocrisy on Display: Editing God’s Word

Look who is talking about it being a shame to edit God’s word to...


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