Friday, July 26, 2024


Staff writer and editor in charge of research and posting of news worthy information.

Race Identity in Career Choice is Not a Problem in Any Country but the US

The DEI narrative distributed by bigoted white America testifies to their bias against minorities in this country. They claim that people of color are...

Writing Your First Book

Are you a writer who has only written web content or a writer who has only written as a hobby? If you are, you...

The X Platform: A Cyber Bully for the Wealthy

The X platform, owned by billionaire Elon Musk, has been transformed into a stronghold of grievances and rants of socially inept white guys devoid...

The Fear and Hate Toward Other Cultures is Ungodly

The hate and fear of non-white cultures comes mainly from European countries. First of all, there would be no immigration to these white countries...

Why Are Food Manufacturers Poisoning Us?

Every time we turn around, there is a report that certain foods contain harmful and deadly chemicals that make us sick with diseases and...

Antibiotic Herbs

The issues of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria have gotten a lot of attention lately. The concern is that bacteria, having been exposed to antibiotics...

Staged Or Not, God Has the Religious Right Cornered

Most people who escape a near death experience have – if only for a brief second – a moment of clarity and reflect on...

The Democratic Party Weaknesses: Establishment Dinos

Aside from the fact that most of the Democrat leaders have no spines yet are now calling for the removal of Biden from the...

Willful Ignorance Diminishes Understanding

There is such a thing as self-destruction on a mental and spiritual level. We often think of drug use, alcoholism, or other physical substances...

Lost Credibility: Holding Politicians, the Media, and Corporations Accountable

A huge hole has been opened up to the inside workings of the major gatekeepers in American society. Via mass levels of information opened...

Why white People Today Are Responsible for Slavery

When the topic of slavery or reparations are brought up, whites usually claim they had nothing to do with what their ancestors did so...

Agonizing Pleasure: Watching a Promising Country Fall to Pieces

The United States has its problems like any other young and growing country. Despite its utopian promise of a land of immigrants and a...

Democracy Never Has to End

No one should have to live in fear of a dictator regime with hundreds of thousands of violent, angry, self-appointed vigilantes bullying a majority...

The Cost of Living is Based on Who is President: Always Has Been

Stop believing the lie that the economy is governed only by supply and demand. That is a small portion of how things work. The...

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