Saturday, July 27, 2024


Successful Work Life Balance

Well, often when running after two rabbits we’ll end up loosing both of them. But no, that saying is not always true and it does not apply here. Usually,...

Senior Citizens Bill of Rights

Sometimes when you and your elderly parent are partnering for their care, it seems like an “us against the world” situation. But since the senior citizen you are caring...

Effects of Daycare on Children

Ever since women entered the workforce, the great daycare debate has raged on. Parents, scholars and politicians have argued the pros and cons of external childcare facilities until families...

Housing advocates warn GOP spending plan would be ‘disastrous’

(AP) - Housing advocates are raising the alarm about House Republicans’ plan to dramatically...

The First Step to Solving the Housing Crisis Might Be Simpler Than You Think

Too many people believe that homelessness comes from drug use, immigration or simply bad...

Has College Become a Financial Burden to Next Generations?

A college education can offer numerous benefits, but it also comes with certain drawbacks....

The Post-Pandemic Behavior Problems of School Students

More reports are coming in from school systems, both public and private, about the...

From Two Incomes to Frugal Living

Many families start living a frugal lifestyle because one partner wants to stay at...

Five Life Lessons Parents are Responsible for: Not the Government

The government has overreached into the lives of parents and families for decades and...

A Balanced Diet For Your Kids

As a parent, one issue that is constantly on my mind is that of...

A Simple Trick for Avoiding Power Struggles with your Child

Avoid power struggles by telling your child what YOU are going to do rather...

In Vitro Fertilization: Hope for Overcoming Infertility

Infertility is defined as not being able to conceive a child despite trying for...


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