The wealth gap, the two-tiered justice system, corporate profit or the worker; are contrasting issues that face this country on a massive scale. Either this is a true Democracy...
When politicians, specifically conservatives and libertarians, talk about what the country needs is “smaller, limited or less government," what they mean is to reduce regulations against businesses, but not...
In a thinly veiled mind trick, the media manipulates the brains of the people year after year, election after election, by attaching the economy to the current president, knowing...
In times of crisis, such as natural disasters, pandemics, or unexpected economic turmoil, the phenomenon of price gouging often comes to the forefront of public discourse. Price...
The United States is known around the world as the leader in weapon’s sales. Their international gun running racket has kept different nations up to date in the war...
This story is too egregious to even think about. It is a blatant sign that corporations are no more responsible than the generation they are bashing. This is shameful...
Why has the economy gone from the head of household working one job and supporting the family to two people working multiple jobs to do the same? Or single...