Thursday, March 27, 2025


The Wealthy are Prepping Social Security Recipients for the Ultimate Heist

Threats of social security benefits being slashed or running out of funds are excuses for those who want to privatize the system. If they eliminate the program, there will...

Segregation Again: People of Color in Sports and Entertainment Should Walk

In its ignorance and hate, this administration is asking businesses to return to segregation. If this is the case and white establishments set their signs outside requesting Blacks, and...

A Message to the Wealthy: Money Will Not Save You

There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that validates the concept that wealthy people are more intelligent than anyone else. This is a lie fabricated by the wealthy themselves and...

Only a Fool Would Believe a Stimulus Check is Winning

A stimulus check is a bribe. It is hush money to the nation so they will keep their mouths shut while this administration loots the treasury. It is meant...

Convincing Millions of People to Dismantle their Homeland is the Real Genius

The reality is too many people live the same fantasy as Musk in believing he is the top echelon of brilliance and genius of innovation, when in reality his...

How to Fight Back: Blueprints for a New Nation

The hostile takeover of the country can be taken back using unconventional strategies against the tyrannical forces the people face. And one thing is for sure, we do not...

Race, Gender, Age, Etc., Must be Taken Off All Applications, or Boycotted

Unless race and other identities are taken off all applications for jobs, housing, insurance, credit or other, then the removal of DEI has no backbone. It is simply continued...

More Reads

Musk as U.S. Efficiency Expert is a Guaranteed Fail: A Peek into the Future

In a mix of corporate oppression, fascist rule, open and widespread racial hatred, Christian...

Corporate Windfall Profits Surge to $1 Trillion a Year as Working People Suffer

An analysis released Thursday shows that 722 of the world's top corporations made combined...

A $7 Million, 30 Second Superbowl Ad Instead of Wage Increases

Who can comprehend why companies spend millions of dollars on one Superbowl ad for...

China is Kicking US Butt in Infrastructure, Technology Investment and Advancement

While the US Oligarchy government is bickering over culture wars; racism, fascism, immigrants, drag...

The housing market has never been this unaffordable for new buyers

There is no other reason than the greed of the wealthy that people cannot...

How the Sports Industry has Lullabied Millions to Sleep

Politicians have gotten wise to the corporate game of diverting the public’s attention using...

How the U.S. Work Ethic is Actually Based on Servitude, Not Productivity

Enshrined and preserved inside the United States’ Constitution is a provision for modern day...

Segregation Again: People of Color in Sports and Entertainment Should Walk

In its ignorance and hate, this administration is asking businesses to return to segregation....

Everything is a Crisis, but Nothing Gets Done

Six months ago, it was reported by the NY Federal Reserve that credit card...

The Cost of Living is Based on Who is President: Always Has Been

Stop believing the lie that the economy is governed only by supply and demand....

US Citizens; Latest Recipients in the US International Gun-Running Racket

The United States is known around the world as the leader in weapon’s sales....

The Fence Around the Apple Tree

Who decided that building a fence around an apple tree was the idea way...


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