The concept of a thriving society is for everyone to have shared access to all the basic, needed resources for survival and leaving no one impoverished or destitute to the point of death. Any concept contrary to this theory would be one that suggest a society is based on every man for themselves, and is a self-seeking society and one surely to end in misery for the majority of the people, while a small minority enjoys an overabundance of goods.

Such micro-managed minds would perceive the world as a place that certain people of a certain creed, race, or belief system deserve more of the resources and all the benefits of the earth while others are left to the mercy and discretion of those who hold this view. As a result of human nature, indifference toward some empower an inner-greed in individuals who socialize with or are birthed into already fortunate groups of people, who suppose their inheritance is a reward for who they are.

The world’s social-economic playing field has unevenly evolved from a cultured demographical and traditional form of Mutual Community Economics and Social Development into an age of small powerful minority cliques who have gathered the resources for themselves grouping the rest of society as undeserved underachievers. This practice is currently the model for the world birthed through the United States’ use of capitalist democracy and other older western economic theories of feudalism, which is at the center of individual survival of the fittest and growth of self-interest.

The Civic Economic dynamics are built on the foundation of assuring that everyone born into the world serves a purpose and are not merely viewed as insignificant until their worth is proven, much like capitalism and Old-World theories suggest. The human mind under CET must first acknowledge this reality before they can exist in this society otherwise, they have proven their insignificance, or existence as being irrelevant to the ultimate goal of CET.

One who lacks the mind of CET will not function properly in this society simply because they lack the understanding of the way humanity works in the social construct of the supply and demand of human needs. Needless to say, humanity survives from the resources of the earth provided to us by a living ecosystem partitioned off by various geographical sections of the earth occupied by a culture of humans who have adapted to that particular area.


Each culture learns to utilize the resources of the surrounding area and when coming in contact with another culture of people from a different region of the earth, they are motivated by nature to share among each other their knowledge and resources by trade and negotiation, and a natural desire to learn new things and grow collectively. The respective culture, by nature, has a reciprocal duty to share in turn their own resources and knowledge in order for both cultures to expand and evolve as human beings.

Humans are given intellectual instinct above that of the beast of the field to the point of using the resources of the land to build habitats and discoveries far more advanced than the caves, trees, and holes of the earth that the animals use. Unfortunately, this level of intellect is most often obstructed by the arrogance of humans to look at the same caves, trees, and holes as primitive instead of as prototypes to survival, placing them far above the intellect of the animals; which by nature gives humans an awareness of dominion over the animals. Thus, the animals, and in man’s historic ignorance people also, are used for beast of burden and for domestic use to advance human’s push for more power over the resources.

However, this superiority over the animals have taken root in the minds of humans to also believe some humans are more developed and superior to other humans. This mind set is the ultimate flaw in the social and economic development of mankind because it blurs the difference between CET and self-centered economics along with previously failed forms of man-made economic theories. Most recent human-centered theories apply the principles of human superiority over the simplistic form of CET, and leaves off the incorporation of nature, respect and humanity into economic and social development.

Civic Economic Theory literally builds from the ground of the earth upward to the highest form of human development, economic success and basic survival for all of humanity. When all have access to the basics, it helps the human mind focus more on further and even higher development and not stifle development being interrupted by all the extra energy and resources used to hinder the growth of some peoples and cultures to the advantage of a small minority, who have taken on the mind of human-centered development. In other words, the time and effort it takes to partition off resources among two or three different cultures based on human-centered theories, humanity could have evolved three times as faster using CET. So, in essence, humanity today is far behind its own ability to evolve because of greed, self-centeredness, and cultural discrimination.

Coming Soon: The Dynamics of Civic Economic Theory

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
