All the social media post and mainstream headlines about Venezuela are misinformation and lies being spit by corporate media and the MAGA conservatives and are based in good ole fashion US colonialism. The media are doing what they do best by protecting US foreign interest to rob other nations of their oil, and the MAGA crowd are pushing the false narratives to undermine socialism. Both are bold-face lies.

This crisis started at the beginning of the Trump 2016 administration as an effort on their part of an attempted coup of the Venezuelan government. They thought they were going to get the oil reserves. When the elected president, Maduro, refused to step down behind allegations of being ill-elected, the United States tried to install Juan Guaido to act as president, half the country stood with Guaido and the other half with Maduro, who had the military on his side.

According to the United Nations at the time, however, most countries disapprove of Guaido’s interim presidency because they feel the people elected Maduro fair and square, (like the US voters elected Biden fair and square); yet 50 other nations stood behind Guiado and the U.S. and wanted regime change, (like they lied about Trump losing the election).

In an unprecedented move with all kind of audacity, at the “United Nations — Vice President Mike Pence called on the United Nations to yank the credentials of Nicolas Maduro’s representative, and “seat the representative of the free Venezuelan government in this body without delay.”

“The time has come for the United Nations to recognize interim President Juan Guaido as the legitimate president of Venezuela and seat his representative in this body.”


He addressed the current Venezuelan ambassador to the U.N., Samuel Moncada, who was looking at his phone while Pence was speaking. “With all due respect, Mr. Ambassador, you shouldn’t be here,” he said. “You should return to Venezuela and tell Nicolas Maduro that his time is up. It’s time for him to go.” Moncada looked up from his phone and shook his head at him and mumbled something unintelligible.”

In other words, they looked at him like he was crazy and ignored him.

Furthermore, the U.S. claims that Maduro is mistreating his people and have plunged the country into poverty so the U.S. wants to go and save the country from this so-called dictator. The truth of the matter is, the U.S. has another motive behind why they want the regime change, which by all the measures of history, is the Venezuelan oil reserves.

So, when Maduro resisted, they placed sanctions on the country to hurt their economy and claimed failed socialism as the cause. Regardless of the bullying, the media smear and lie campaign, and the sanctions placed on Venezuela meant to starve the citizens, the current Venezuelan president remains in power after being reelected a third time and is determined not to be moved.

So not as to start a war in Venezuela, the US hired “Erik Prince – the founder of the controversial private security firm Blackwater and a prominent supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump – has been pushing a plan to deploy a private army to help topple Venezuela’s socialist president, Nicolas Maduro, four sources with knowledge of the effort told Reuters.”

“The wealthy son of an auto-parts tycoon has also fielded private security contractors in conflict zones from Central Asia to Africa to the Middle East.”

It also shows how devious the US can be when they talk sanctions against countries. The sanctions are not punishment for bad behavior of the country’s leader, but are attempts to plunge the country into economic depressions and force them to a dependent position in the world.

All the tactics are evil and attempted colonialism at its worse. Regardless if the country has a bad leader or not, the US has no business trying to takeover a land that does not belong to them. But we all know this is what they do.

DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE
