In man’s advancement of technology around the world, not just in the United States, one would suppose that someone scientist somewhere would have discovered and marketed any true extraterrestrial powers that be if it would help human advancement, or make somebody wealthier, especially in the age of the billionaire.
In other words, people are greedy and any chance to capitalize off the phenomena of alien life would have made its way to the world stage by now. Nevertheless, all the data gathered by the government have been heavily guarded. Why is that? Because it is not marketable yet, that’s why.
It is fascinating that someone in the recent U.S. government found an open door into the exploitation of voters through UFO conspiracies that builds upon the other conspiracy groups such as Qanon, the MAGA cult, and the rise in the Alex Jones offspring. Strangely enough, this explosion of government UFO drama in Congress did not occur until the age of the rise of the 45th president, the chief conspiracy theorist and all the nuts that followed came out of the woodworks.
Nevertheless, Governments – mainly the United States – are overwhelmingly concerned about national security as a reason to keep classified secrets, which does not make any logical sense, unless national security means keeping us safe from ourselves?
Furthermore, if the alien discoveries are ones that could destroy the planet, tell us who has this information and what kind of threat they are to the world, or what can humanity do to save ourselves from invasion. Another hypothesis is that there is no real threat to humanity from another planet and the authorities of men have decided to use UFO phenomena to string along the imaginations of people until there is a group of people who will believe anything told to them by government officials.
This strategy sets the stage for man-made aliens and robots, magicians’ illusions, digital deep fakes and artificial intelligence that confuses the mind so deeply that people second guess their own existence.
Historically, “The modern era of UFOs really began in the summer of 1947 when you saw a wave of sightings of this flying saucer phenomenon across the country. The summer of 1947 really helped launch this broader pop culture fascination with UFOs and flying saucers that gave rise to all sorts of movies from the 1950s onwards.”
Since then, people – mainly in the United States and particularly in parts of the Midwest and West – are the only people on earth who have reportedly seen UFOs from their backyards. Yes, there are recorded reports from around the world of unexplained phenomena dating back centuries, but nowhere near as many as seen in the U.S. in the past 80 years.
When at one time these sightings were mere conspiracy theories, they have recently, in the last 10 years, become more mainstream, even making it to Congressional meetings and into proposed bills. “Lawmakers in both chambers have ratcheted up efforts to increase government transparency surrounding U.F.O.s and extraterrestrial matters as conspiracy theories proliferate and suspicions persist that the government is concealing information from the public. They have said Congress has reason to believe that the executive branch has concealed information about U.F.O.s that should be made public.” This is from the U.S. most prominent media source the NYTs.
Who decided that UFOs needed to be investigated on a Congressional level to avoid a national security threat? Who does this? They seem to be debating rather to allow the public to see what they have kept secret for years or to keep the secret and further string along the imagination to the degree of complete insanity and into another level of conspiracy thinking; until they develop the aliens themselves. What the hell is going on with the critical thinking skills of America’s leaders?
They never actually say there are aliens among us or reveal who these beings are and where they came from, they simply leave that to the imagination of Trekkies and Star Wars fans, venturing through Hollywood. So, they have reduced the drama and wording to the effect of “unidentified anomalous phenomena, technologies of unknown origin and nonhuman intelligence, and store this information in the National Archives as government documents,” for dramatic effect.

Then they throw in some official military observation to increase the effects like so, “Those videos of unidentified phenomena, captured by military sensors and released in recent years, and reports by naval aviators of strange objects have fueled speculation about U.F.O.s and extraterrestrial activity. Some of those videos have been explained as optical illusions or drones, but others remain unexplained and have become the subjects of wide and conspiratorial interest.”
This type of government propaganda furthers the imagination of people unhinged from reality or the ability to think critically. This is all meant to expand and stress the brains of people who are suffering from the trauma of American economic and political chaos and upheaval. The “conspiracy theory” plan supplements the shock of a government so out of touch with the people and unwillingness to address their reality, it gives an escape to the mind through sci-fi and a perpetual unexplainable existence.
The human mind is constantly under bombardment of unexplainable phenomena that reaches far beyond what anyone can comprehend. The spiritual world along with the extraterrestrial one all projected under the pressures of everyday life are enough to capture and runaway with the minds of the most intellectual and imaginative people, even those in power. The government itself is confirmation of that truth.
Man has invented many things without public knowledge. Not everything will be revealed to the public because men have no explanations for how and why the discoveries are made or needed, how they will be used, and whether or not they will advance humanity in either direction. They have yet the solve problems we face as a species in areas of physical and mental development, what makes anyone think humanity is ready for the unexplainable?
“…for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:” Colossians 1:16.
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE