Over the past few years, the United States and the world has watched continuing news coverage of the threat of immigrants streaming into the US, the separation of families, the caging of children, the theatrics of bussing migrants to different US states, the brutality of border patrol agents and border state lawmakers; and the congressional gridlock over laws about immigration that have gone unsolved for decades.
So why has it not been solved? Why are immigrants coming to the US from around the world? Some say it is because the United States is the greatest country in the world and people come for the opportunity. Others take a deeper dive and look at the countries they leave and suggest that maybe it is the condition of their homelands that drive them out. Both are plausible answers because many leave their homelands because of persecution and look to the US for refuge.
The problem is certain of the US population believe they are coming to take over. They fear becoming a minority in the country they deem their own. Others welcome them because they offer cultural knowledge to Americans curious of how the world abroad lives. Still, others accuse them of draining the system of free handouts while others see them as hard workers they can hire to do the work natural born Americans will not do.
The dilemma goes both ways because if one side see them as an economic benefit to the country while the other half see them as a drain of resources and jobs, someone is obviously wrong because it can only be one way, not both. The Corporate world, small businesses, farmers, and home owners use immigrant labor because they can pay cheap wages, which is a benefit to them.
Those who see immigrants as leaches are citizens resentful about being crowded out of their personal and work spaces. Apparently, those who pay the immigrants are winning. But instead of turning their anger toward those who actually use immigrant labor, they turn their anger toward the immigrants and others (who are not white).
Laws are being made to protect migrants rather than do away with them. However, desperate citizens are becoming more aggressive in their rhetoric to keep immigrants out, i.e., building a wall. The problem with that is, the immigrants they want out are brown, never the whiter ones from European countries. Those are the ones that go under the radar not considered migrant terrorist overblown by right-wing news media. It’s the brown ones citizens are warned about; those coming from the south and from the darker continents.
So basically, the rife with immigration is a racial one because it all comes down to making money, and the wealthy and the privileged are not going to do the work themselves, neither are they going to pay the average American the wages they seek. So, to solve the immigration problem in America, law-makers must push the complaining faction to the back and simply serve the wealthy, or they can ignore the desires of the wealthy and heed the demands of those who want to keep darker people at arms length and out of their communities.
The sad part of this whole dilemma is the treatment of immigrants is disgusting and immoral. They are talked about and treated like livestock and market goods; as enemies and of course the famous “vermin.” They are blamed for crime rates, drug and human trafficking regardless of the many terroristic crimes committed by some of the country’s own citizens. The attitudes toward immigrants are not Christian-like as claimed by the good Christian folks of this country, it is more like hateful birds stalking and getting cheap thrills from the torture and punishment and their victims.
DISCLAIMER: The content of Pro Liberation is firmly opinionated and is not meant to be interpreted as official news. We glean facts and quotes from mainstream news websites and abridge its meaning for readers to relate. We do not indulge in misinformation, conspiracy theories, or false doctrine but choose to express our right to free speech as citizens of this country and free born under God the Creator. We represent Nu Life Alliance Inc. a non-profit organization in the battle for social and economic justice. Donate to our cause at the following link. DONATE