Christian Americans Are Not Being Persecuted; Evangelical Preachers Are Fearmongering

Evangelical Christians want so badly to become victims that they will make up and cherry pick menial acts to get attention and a reason to arm themselves for a physical war with those they hate and perceive as enemies...

Apr 2, 2024 - 16:18
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Christian Americans Are Not Being Persecuted; Evangelical Preachers Are Fearmongering

Christianity is a worldwide religion and no single continent can claim to be the center of global Christianity. “The country with the highest number of practicing Christians is the United States, with a Christian population of 253 million. Brazil and Mexico follow closely with 185 million and 118 million Christians, respectively. With Sub-Saharan Africa following close behind (24%), and Asia and the Pacific with 13% of the Christian population.”

Aa far as Christian persecution is concerned, the United States does not come close to being considered a nation of Christian persecution compared to other parts of the world such as North Korea, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen. The United States Christian community is free to worship, sing in the streets, pray for others, heal the sick, and hold bible study whenever they want.

Some pastors and members are the wealthiest people in the country who live in multimillion dollar homes, drive new luxury cars, fly across the world, eat good food, vote in political elections, (even though they are not legally supposed to), collect millions of dollars of money from their members, and gather in remote places for revivals and meetings and not be harassed by the government or anyone else. Christian persecution in America is not a real thing.

But this is not what you will hear from Christian leaders in the US. They swear that Christianity is under assault by government forces, which is simply a lie.

According to the World Watch List of Christian persecution, persecution consist of people of the Christian faith being subject to one or many of the following: “pressure, discrimination, opposition, disinformation, injustice, intimidation, mistreatment, marginalisation, oppression, intolerance, infringement, violation, ostracism, hostilities, harassment, abuse, violence, ethnic cleansing and genocide”

These acts are simply not happening in the US on a scale that would sound an alarm of urgent need of protection. This list sounds more like a list that people of color suffer from in the US than Christians. But according to an article in the Christian Post about Evangelical pastor Greg Locke entitled, “Pastor Greg Locke declares Christianity ‘under attack’ in US after 200 Bibles torched near church,” he says that:

 "If you think Christianity is not under attack more than ever before in the United States of America, you've not been paying attention. You need to get your head out of the sand. Quit being lukewarm," Locke declared during the Easter Sunday service.

“I'm telling you they are attacking churches in America. Can I remind you, for Evangelical believers and for Catholics for that matter, this is the most important day historically and biblically that you can imagine? And now Joe Biden makes it Trans Visibility Awareness Day."

He claims this because “the setting on fire of around 200 Bibles in a trailer near his church by an unidentified suspect on Easter Sunday is proof that Christianity is "under attack" in the United States.” This act could be considered as an act of intimidation but not to the point of being under severe persecution. More Black churches have been burned and Jewish synagogues been shot up in the past than acts of this sort. In addition to abortion clinics being bombed by Christians themselves in acts of violence.

Furthermore, the Trans Visibility Awareness Day coinciding with Easter was a calendar crossover and not a calculated plan by government officials trying to persecute Christians. This assumption is ridiculous to make and lacks an understanding of basic moon cycles. It also proves the claims of Christian persecution is nothing more than fearmongering.

The preachers who teach that Christianity is under attack in the US are trying to motivate their congregations to react in ungodly ways against those they perceive as their enemies. More often than not, threats are made by Christians who feel persecuted than what the Bible instructs them to do, instructed by Jesus, to turn the other cheek and forgive your enemies. But not in America. More Christians are willing to take up literal arms and fight to the death as a result of their delusion of being persecuted by the government or Christian hating groups.

The truth is, Christians are not being persecuted in this country to the extreme of some other countries, where they are outnumbered by members of other religions. Evangelical Christians want so badly to become victims that they will make up and cherry pick menial acts to get attention and a reason to arm themselves for a physical war with those they hate and perceive as enemies, such as the government, Muslims, people of color, homosexuals and women who get abortions. It is all hate.

Albeit, they will soon face persecution when men of political power take over the government and try to transform the nation into a Christian nation. When this happens, the real persecution will start because not all people in this country are Christian and they will resent being forced into a religion they do not believe in. Not only that, but true Christians, those who know the truth and understand that this country has no real Christian persecution, will find themselves being persecuted by men who have stolen Christianity and use it to gain power, oppress the weak, and make war in the name of Christ.

MinisterCR A minister, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ for 34 years. Peace and love to all. Stay prayerful.