Proof of God: Evidence No One Can Deny

The Holy Spirit of God is a free gift to anyone who ask for it, but fear of what might be real prevent people from seeking it sincerely.

Feb 18, 2023 - 09:45
Feb 18, 2023 - 15:12
 1  256
Proof of God: Evidence No One Can Deny

Cynics and doubters constantly undermine the existence of God by demanding proof from believers that God is real. And those believers stress themselves out providing scripture, natural and scientific theories, and unexplainable examples to the critics to a pointless end.

People choose unbelief consciously knowing that there is no tangible answer to their doubt, so they play with the minds of believers based on lack of visual or tangible evidence. Nevertheless, there is proof of God beyond any doubt that merely takes effort on the unbeliever’s own behalf to see for themselves.

The Holy Spirit of God is a free gift to anyone who ask for it, but fear of what might be real prevent people from seeking it sincerely. Unbeliever’s consciences and pride restrains them from going beyond their doubt and discovering something they always thought to be fake and foolish, so they will always refuse to seek the truth and rather continue in their unbelief.

When a person receives the gift of the Holy Ghost, they know beyond a doubt that God is real and was there all the time; right next to them waiting for them to open their minds and hearts and let Him in. The Spirit removes all doubt and fear and takes them into a spiritual realm that the average unbeliever would have never thought possible.

The problem is that unbelievers do not actually want to know God or that He is real, they are simply content in denying Him and casting that doubt on others, doing the work of the devil, who wants to keep people from ever knowing God. The irony is that the devil himself knows God is real so his job is to keep others from knowing the truth so he can own their souls eternally.

God is always waiting for someone to simply ask Him for His Spirit, seek after Him to know He is real, or to come to Him for deliverance from fear and doubt. But that person MUST be sincere. God is not angry, mean, or judgmental. He is gentle, merciful, and loving; the kind of love that people seek naturally.

“For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened… If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” St. Luke 11:10,13.

Church attendance not necessary; this can be done in the privacy of the home. For more in-depth understanding, please take our course on Beginning Salvation.

MinisterCR A minister, teacher and preacher of the gospel of Christ for 34 years. Peace and love to all. Stay prayerful.