Walking in the Spirit Gives Power
It is important to always walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. If we walk in the Spirit, we are led by God all the day and see the things God does in your life – and other’s lives - that you would not normally see. As we walk in the Spirit, the anointing gets stronger and the power of God increases.

It is important to always walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. If we walk in the Spirit, we are led by God all the day and see the things God does in your life – and other’s lives - that you would not normally see. As we walk in the Spirit, the anointing gets stronger and the power of God increases.
He will lead you and protect you from all evil, and if evil does come, he will show you how to handle it at that moment. Cover yourself in the blood of Jesus when you walk into a room or building around other people, you will be protected from demonic spirits.
Romans chapter 8 explains this concept very well. “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:1,2).
How do you walk in the Spirit some ask? We must pray in our minds as much as we can throughout the day. Pray when you wake up and do not stop praying when you are off your knees, but pray as you walk, work, and listen to others.
Fast, as long as you can, as many days as you can on one meal; on liquids only, or intermittingly. Eat light and not heavy foods that weigh you down and quench the Spirit. If you feed the flesh, you will walk in the flesh so feed the spirit with the Word and with prayer.
Rebuke all offensive words from offensive people. Ignore the devil and he will flee from you. Tell Satan to get behind you and worship God in your mind. Open your Bible as much as you can and read, or recite scriptures so the Word can be planted in your soul. Resist all manner of temptation and know that God is better than this old world can ever be.